Daily Archives: July 10, 2020

Official “National Nude Day In America” E-dition


FRIDAY, MAY 10, 2020

Today’s “National Nude Day In America” E-dition Has Been Pronounced Officially Dead Because Of The Same Deadly Chinese Kung Flu Virus That Leftists In The Press Are Still Whining About.

Now We’ll Show You Last Year’s “National Nude Day In America” To See What This Year’s Would’ve Looked Like.
FRIDAY, JULY 12, 2019

Sunday Is Nude Day In America, Everybody

image004Whistleblower Naked News Correspondent Oliver Klozhoff says, “National Nude Day is a serious event. People who like to parade around in the altogether are not really perverts.

Snicker if you will, but Nudists believe that the body is a beautiful thing, and meant to be displayed. Nudist colonies, nude beaches, and other venues exist to cater to the preferences of individuals, who seek to walk around ‘au natural,’ when baring it all might be offensive to the conservative population! Nudists are individuals who believe the human body is most beautiful in its natural state. Whether or not you agree with them, nudists encourage people to strut their stuff.”

A society’s attitude to public nudity varies depending on the culture, time, location and context of an activity. There are many exceptions and particular circumstances in which nudity is tolerated, accepted or even encouraged in public spaces. Such examples would include a nude beach, within some intentional communities (such as naturist resorts or clubs) and at special events.

While some European countries such as Germany are rather tolerant about public nudity, in many countries public nudity may meet social disapproval or even constitute a misdemeanor of indecent exposure. In many countries public nudity is forbidden outright on the basis that nudity is inherently sexual. Many states of the United States fine offenders on that basis.

In many contexts, public nudity has been more accepted, especially at designated areas such as nude beaches and, even in the United States, e.g. during World Naked Bike Ride events or Bay to Breakers. In some states, such as Oregon, public nudity is legal and protected as free speech, as long as there is not the “intent to arouse.”


Meanwhile, Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo wonders if anybody else finds it strangely convenient that Bastille Day and National Nude Day in America are the same day. Maybe that’s why he chose this video today, that was made about the lucky guy who’s the Nudist Camp Coordinator at the Northern Kentucky Nudist Camp in Florence.

This is the Official Nude Day In America E-dition. Any other publication claiming Official Nude Day status would surely  be a fake.image007 image008