Special “Political Backstabbers Day Eve” E-dition

Trump’s 783rd Day In Office
Do Not Say We Didn’t Warn You!

The big day is almost here, and all of you Backstabbers will finally get some of the recognition you truly deserve. Hurley the Historian says Wednesday will be the historic date (March 15, 44 BCE) when Roman Emperor Julius Caesar ignored his soothsayer’s words of warning and went to work that day anyway, whereupon Brutus and the rest of the RINOs in the Senate stabbed him in the back, and the front, and just about every other place on his body.All this week nominations have been flooding in for The Blower’s “2019 Backstabber of the Year Award.” Obama doesn’t need a special award. Anybody who’s not a Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span, Free-Stuff Grabbing, Low-Information Obama Supporters Who Put The Positively Worst President in History In The White House—Twice, and Failed Trying To Give Obama a Third Term By Voting For Crooked Hillary, and get all of their “fake news” from News Liars at The Destroy Trump Media, like the ones at The Fishwrap and on Channel 5, 9, 12, and 19, realizes Obama’s been stabbing America in the back for years.

In Congress, it was too hard to choose just one backstabber, because Conservatives watching the total wussification of GOP House RINOs and Senate Surrender Monkey Bitch McConnell, couldn’t decide who was worse.

Ohio TEA Party Patriots totally favor giving Ohio’s Delusional ObamaCare-Loving Ex-Governor John Kasich (Who Will Never Be President) and U.S. Senator Rob “Voting Against Trump’s National Emergency Declaration,” Portman the honor.

Cincinnati City Clowncil-man Mayor David Mann was pleased as punch to again be Grand Marshal at the Backstabbers Day Parade on March 15, where he’ll lead the rest of the Streetcar Six along the route of the Trolley Folly, and Cincinnati Clown-cilgay Chris Squealback says the All Gay St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee has even invited Degenerate DemocRATS on City Clowncil to march in their parade when the Homosexual Hibernians march this year.

All over Hamilton County, Conservatives wanted to nominate RINO Party Boss Alex T., Mall Cop GOP for backstabbing Real Republicans for even longer than Obama’s been backstabbing America.

Ditzy DemocRAT Juvie Judge Traci Hunter nominated Hamilton County Prosecutor “JayWalking Joe” Deters for getting his grand jury to indict her on all those charges while she’s still frivolously appealing her six-month sentence from Judge Nadel on her previous conviction, and The Old Jaywalker says, “Just wait till next month when we find a way to indict her whiny black ass yet another time just for the fun of it.”

Judge Nadel and the Windbag were calling each other Backstabbers.

In Anderson, Trustee Andrew Pappas has somebody he’d like to nominate for “Backstabber of the Year” and over-taxed payers in the Forest Hills School District planning to appeal their jacked-up property taxes want to know at that upcoming School Board Meeting regarding the school calendar for 2019-2020 if they’ll also be a public hearing on building levy overruns, project mismanagement, and misuse of funds..

In Northern Kentucky Tonight at Mainstrasse bars, Backstabbers drink free, and for those on the “A” List, it’s Miss Vicki’s Ides of March Party. And don’t forget, all of you Bluegrass Backstabbers, this year, it’s BYOB (Bring Your Own Blades).

Eric “Call Me Crazy,” Big Mouth, Most Sanctioned, Ambulance Chaser, No Count of a Radio Host, Shameless Self Promoter, Willie Wannabe, Why Won’t They Let Me Practice Law Again, Who Likes Bulldogs and Failed Roadhouse Operator Deters nominated a lot of people for The Blower’s Backstabber of the Year Award, including Our Good Friend Kenton County Commonwealth Attorney E Rob Sanders, Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane, Former American Bar Association President William T. Robinson III, the entire Bluegrass Bar Association, and Lovely Lisa Wells, who was at one time getting paid by WLW Hate Radio for doing the program “Crazy Eric” was doing for free.

Finally, at yesterday’s bribe lunch with an elected official where Charles Foster Kane always sits with his back against the wall, our Beloved Whistleblower Publisher told the “bribor” he remembers every time somebody has ever tried to stab him in the back. “You’ve read The Blower,” Kane explained, “so you know what kind of records we must keep.”

Remember: We never print all the bad stuff we know and certain people ought to be damn glad we don’t, especially Backstabbing Bastards.

Previous 2019 Whistleblower “Backstabber” E-ditions Include
Tuesday’s “2019 Political Backstabber of the Year Award” E-dition
& Wednesday’s Special “Backstabber Nominations” E-dition.

And For Even More Whistleblower “Ides Of March” E-ditions

 “Whistleblower-Newswire Backstabber”