Special “Sunday Sermon” E-dition

SUNDAY, APRIL 29, 2018

This Sunday in America…at the Church of The Compassionate Conservative, Beloved Whistleblower Publisher, the Right-Wing Reverend Charles Foster Kane was asking his Political Parishioners to Pray for Public Speaking Ability for all of those Angry Andersonians planning to attend tomorrow night’s Third Anderson Apocalypse Meeting devoting two hours to the faux outrage of a few Loony Liberals being conducted by the scandal-plagued Forest Hills School Board where replacing the oh-so politically incorrect 80-year old “Redskins Name” is being used as just another diversion from serious financial matters caused by the School Board’s deception on that building levy.

An actual American Indian from central Illinois came all the way to deliver a powerful message at the Second Anderson Apocalypse Meeting devoted to the faux outrage of a few Loony Liberals conducted by the scandal-plagued Forest Hills School Board where replacing the oh-so politically incorrect 80-year old “Redskins Name.” 

I’m Tony Henson. I’m part Cherokee and on the Board of the Native American Guardians Association. NAGA was formed to be the voice of the overwhelming majority of Native Americans who support the names and logos in sports, but whose voices have all but been left out of the debate. This issue was dealt with in Anderson in 2003 when the Board voted unanimously to keep the Redskins.

To the extent times have changed, the Board who is allowing this attempt at double jeopardy should know a Washington Post poll conducted in 2016 revealed that 91% of Native American’s have no problem with the Redskins name, up 1% from a similar 2004 Annenberg survey.

How can the “changers” claim to have legitimacy when 91% of the people they claim to represent do not agree with them? The truth is, this radical movement is the creation of political and academic elites.

 Here is the Indian Mascot of NCAI: In the opinion of many, it is cartoonish in comparison to the very distinguished Anderson logo. Using the logic of the “changers,” the exact same image NCAI uses would somehow become a racist symbol if put on a sports uniform.

The vast majority of Native Americans are well-assimilated, patriotic people who love their country, and who would never dream of terrorizing peaceful school districts like Anderson with disrespectful shouts of racism.

The true Indian way is to walk the Red Road of respect and honor. The “changer” elites ask, “How can NAGA go against the leadership of some Indian Tribes and Organizations, to which we say, “How can they go against the people?”

Likewise, how can this Board go against the people? The vast majority of rank and file Native Americans stand with the equally strong majority of Anderson students, Alumni and community members who say, “GO REDSKINS!”

Changing the Anderson Redskins name would cost Forest Hills Schools’ over-taxed payers more than a million dollars (that members of the scandal-plagued Forest Hills School Board have already squandered), and that doesn’t even include re-surfacing the gym floor, or paint costs to change the colors. In addition, there would be costs to the all of the Boosters and families for new uniforms and sporting equipment along with new T-shirts and other promotional items.

     This would be a District-wide cost. ALL over-taxed would feel the burden of the AHS logo change. You can bet another Operating Levy to jack up your property taxes even higher will be proposed for the 2019 Spring Ballot.

How much time will the scandal-plagued Forest Hills School Board devote to the faux outrage of a few Loony Liberals?

The Forest Hills School District should be challenged on something that really matters.

And curiously, why is it so difficult to find photographs of our scandal-plagued Forest Hills School Board Members (Elizabeth Barber; Dee Dee ChoiceForest Heis, M.D.Randy SmithJim Frooman) on the Forest Hills School District web page or in the Spring Edition of the abundantly expensive Community Update residents recently received in the mail? Maybe they’re in hiding.

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The Blower believes we’re still living during the most important period in American History for our non-stop campaign against Political Correctness, the Devolution of American Culture, and the Liberal News Media. Congress and the Liberal Media Establishment will continue to lie and say really stupid things without a smidgen of journalistic integrity in their effort to advance the Liberal Agenda.

Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane Says The Conservative Agenda Is Now Working On Donald Trump’s Fourth 100 Days To Make America Great Again. Today Is Day Number 464 And There Are Now Only 918 More Days Until Trump’s Re-Election Day on November 3, 2020