Monthly Archives: March 2018

Special “Weekly Whistleblower Limerick Contest” E-dition


FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 2018

Because Women’s Lives Really, Really Matter

image005This week, everybody who thinks the only reason guys would ever enroll in a “Women’s History Class” is to score some easy poontang, e-mailed an entry to the Whistleblower Limerick Contest. The winner is Oliver Klozhoff, who says those dumb sluts fall for that “sensitive crap” every time.

Oliver wins an “I Really Care What You Think, Bitch!” Sweatshirt, a book of “1001 Pickup Lines Impressionable Young College Girls Can’t Resist,” and of course a front row seat at that upcoming Snowflake Training 101 seminar at a local university which claims it will increase the visible presence of students, staff, and faculty who can help to shape a campus culture that is accepting of all people regardless of sexuality, gender identification/expression, or any other difference. His winning limerick is:

This month we don’t forget Women’s History
Still why any guy would take such a course is a mystery!
But if the girls think you care,
You have another story to share,
With the guys, about your Women’s History Month victory.

The first line of next week’s limerick is:
“There once was an Old April Fool”

This Is Your Official Women’s History Month Limerick. Any Other Women’s History Month Limerick You Might See Would Surely Be A Fake.

Coming in The Blower’s Women’s History Month Swimsuit E-dition: “Who Says They All Have To Be Ugly?”
