This Afternoon At The Conservative Agenda, We’ve Been Ignoring The Liberal Propaganda Media’s Trump Trashing After Yesterday’s Inauguration We Saw Reported In Our Earlier Disingenuous DemocRAT Talking Points Memo” E-dition.
Meanwhile, Award Winning Photo Illustrator Artis Conception recalled Obama’s Inauguration in 2009, when the Liberal Propaganda Media Were Orchestrating Their “Coronation.”
— Special “Obama— the Next Day” E-dition —
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Long Live the King
After bloviating the greatest inaugural speech in history (that Kneepad Liberals in the Press had declared days before it was even given), many Americans were amazed to awake this morning to find the lame couldn’t walk, the blind couldn’t see, the Federal Budget wasn’t balanced, the economy hadn’t been revived, the real estate problem hadn’t been solved, autoworkers were still losing their jobs, we’d failed to solve our gas/alternative energy problems, fires and mudslides would still plague California, hurricanes and tornadoes had not been banned, identity theft had not been stopped, global warming had not been reversed, Osama was still on the loose, Israelis and Palestinians were not living harmoniously side-by-side, corruption still existed in our government, and all of the world was not living at Peace. Worse than that, Tom and Rose were just beginning to wonder when MoveOn.Org would be reimbursing them for all that money they’d advanced for their big Inaugural Bash at the Camargo Country Club to celebrate the “historic” Coronation of His Excellency, President for Life, Field Marshal Al Hadj, Doctor Barrack Hussein Obama Dada.
But then a child, much like the little boy in Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tale about the “Emperor’s New Clothes,” said, “How come all these things didn’t happen? Those things were only a small part of the Messiah’s 510 campaign promises.” You can check them out on the Obameter.
e-mail your broken promises today.
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