What a Difference a Year Makes
Think of how much things have really changed since this time in December 2016: The Blower was gloating again, Disingenuous DemocRATS were looking for a new “Fake News” narrative, because it was beginning to look a lot like Christmas, especially when Crooked Hillary lost the Electoral College Vote 17 years to the day after Slick Willie’s Impeachment for lying under oath to a federal grand jury and obstructing justice.
Today’s Really Big Story
What Happened To All Those Elector Defectors?
First Hillary’s Post-Election Riots Failed
Then Death Threats Against Electoral College Members Failed
Then Jill Stein’s Bogus Recount Failed
Then The Liberal Propoganda Media Conspiracy’s Entire “Fake News” Narrative Failed
Then The Russia Hacked The Election Narrative “Fake News” Failed
And Today, The Three-Week Electoral College “Fake News” Narrative Failed

Today’s Electoral College Bowl Scorecard
Trump 304, Clinton 227, Colin Powell 3, Bernie Sanders 1, Ron Paul 1, John Kasich 1, And “Faith Spotted Eagle” 1 (Shown Here)
BTW, Crooked Hillary Had More Than Twice As Many Elector Defectors As Trump Did
Ironic Update
Hillary Lost The Electoral College Vote 17 Years To Day After Guess What Happened
Today Was A Good Day For Gloating

And Perhaps a Little Sarcasm
Because It Was Beginning To Look A Lot Like CHRISTmas

And Here Was The Mood For Our Disingenuous DemocRATS
Dem Rep. John Conyers Claimed The Electoral College Was Rooted In Slavery
The Washington Post Claimed The Electoral College Is Thwarting Our Ability To Battle Global Warming
Psychiatry Professors Asked Obama To Command Trump To Submit To Mental Examination. No Kidding!
Morning Joe said “Now Obama’s Failure Is Complete”
And Disingenuous DemocRATS Are Now Looking For a New “Fake News” Narrative
As NBC/WSJ’S “Fake News” Poll Declared Most People Are Uncertain, Even Pessimistic About Trump’s Presidency
More Marvelous Mockery
Meanwhile, During His Final Days, Obama Continues to Channel Louis XV (Après Moi Le Déluge)
Tonight’s Whistleblower Videos
The Electoral College votes to ratify Trump’s win
MSNBC Concentrates On Clip Of Wisconsin Moonbat Going Berserk, Rather Than Trump Winning Votes…
Fast Forward to 2017
And that’s the way it was today on the 32nd Day until January 20, 2017 when the Next President can only begin to Undo all the damage Obama has done.
*1,051 Until “Dee-Day” If You Live In Anderson Township
More News Later (Or Most Likely Tomorrow Morning) From The Whistleblower Newsroom
The Whistleblower Newswire Is Your Official Publication of Record For The Conservative Agenda
Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane says the Conservative Agenda is now working with the various parts of the Trump transition team selecting fellow conservative patriots who are willing to go to Washington to help our new President return to over-taxed payers the power taken from them in recent years by the Leftists.