MONDAY, APRIL 24, 2017
CityBeat’s Investigative Reporter Jim McNair may have reported that the Ohio Supreme Court had ordered a halt in the liquidation of Greedy Hearse-Chasing, Disgraced-DemocRAT Clinton-loving, Fen-Phen Scandal Plagued, Trial Attorney $tan Che$ley’s law firm (read more about that here), but the “$tan Che$ley Collection” at Award Winning Photo Illustrator Artis Conception’s Political Portraiture Gallery is Not Included.
“Here I Come to Save the Day!” $tan’s Highly-Placed Connections
A Political $tangali
“Daddy $tanBuck$!”
“I Know Nothing!”
“Having A Prosecutor for A Partner”
“When Times Got Tough”
“Misery Loves Company”