Daily Archives: April 18, 2017

Special “Monday Message” E-dition

MONDAY, APRIL 17, 2017
Tonight’s Top News Stories


This Just In From Gunslinger 338

Our Best Easter Advertisement

 Ben Garrison’s “Tax Day” Feature
​ “The Annual Shearing”

Frank Chodorov claimed the income tax was the ‘root of all evil’ and he was right. Once we were inflicted with the scam known as the Federal Reserve, the mass robbery known as the income tax soon followed. We are forced to pay for our own enslavement. Oh sure, they tell us it’s ‘voluntary.’ Try not volunteering and see what happens. Heroes such as Irwin Schiff resisted it and they locked him up. He died shackled in a prison hospital while Clinton pardoned his drug pushing friends as well as the billionaire Marc Rich.

But I digress. The income tax was first promoted as a means to make the rich ‘pay their fair share.’ At first only the rich had to pay, and they only had to pony up 7 percent at the most. Nowadays it’s close to 40 percent and everyone has to pay. Even if the tyrants refund some taxpayer money, every year we are still forced to reveal all of our finances to our masters. The IRS has become a rogue agency and they can harass us and seize our money at any time. We are all guilty until we can prove our innocence…….. Read more at the Cartoon Blog.

The Whistleblower Newswire Is Your Official Publication of Record For The Conservative Agenda

Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane Says The Conservative Agenda Is Now Working On Donald Trump’s First 100 Days To Make America Great Again. Today Is Day Number Eighty-Seven. There Are Only 13 More To Go.