Daily Archives: August 29, 2016

Special “Muckraker Update” E-dition



Here’s The Latest Muck

image004As predicted, the Forest Hills School District “Renovate To New” plan is not going to live up to the promises.

image014PROMISED TO OVER-TAXED PAYERS: Student learning would not be disrupted.  A couple of elementary schools may not be able to open on time.  If they do, the surroundings could be pretty rough.  Anderson may open stripped of interior finishes. Board members Smith and Frooman will insist that this should be very instructive for students aspiring to careers in construction.  For other students, the “learning environment” will be anything besides 21st century.  Post-apocalyptic is more like it.  And remember, this is only the first of several years of destruction.

image014PROMISED TO OVER-TAXED PAYERS:  There would be enough money to do everything promised.  The new district administrative offices are eating the budget.  The schools are inevitably going to feel the bite. Other items were also underestimated and oversold.  The Anderson auxiliary gym isn’t coming anytime soon.  Anybody want to bet never – at least with this levy?  And is anybody asking how the $5 million promised to study all-day kindergarten has been spent (hint: maybe redirected)?

Let’s call this plan by a more accurate name:  “RENOVATE TO LESS.”

It has been heard that the new superintendent is muscling parent volunteer groups to raise additional money for capital improvements.  Really?  Either that is a joke, or he is.

Meanwhile, local climatologists are predicting a global warming turnaround in Anderson. When the retrofit air conditioning in the old schools is finally turned on (if they can afford it), the leakage from the buildings never designed to contain cooled air is predicted by some to start a local Ice Age.  Science students will at least be able to image005study outdoor arctic climates on campus.  Gutter glacier tours might be a future source of funds.  They will be needed as over-taxed payers won’t be going for any more boondoggle bond levies like this one.  No wonder Andy Pappas wants to leave his trustee job.  The township road salt budgets are going to be busted.  He wants no part of that.

image014FINALLY, FOREST HEIS THE LESSER is already campaigning for school board reelection.  Almost a year and a half early. That is unprecedented in recent history.  Maybe just a little desperate.  Will it matter to voters that he supported the bond levy boondoggle? One could hope he would step aside considering the downward direction this district has gone under his board tenure. But then self-accountability is not allowed in that board room.  Ask his fellow lessers Smith and Frooman.
