Daily Archives: August 20, 2016

Special “Only 80 More Days Till The Election” E-dition


Today’s Good News And Bad News
From Our Local Political Junkie We’ll Call “Cincy Dave”

image041One of his campaign managers, Kellyanne Conway, said on MSNBC that Trump definitely will participate in all three debates. As strong as that is, we will have to see it to believe it because The Donald is so unpredictable and it’s over a month until the first debate, which is scheduled for Monday, Sept. 26th. He could think of lots of excuses by then and has already gone so far as to lie about receiving a letter from the NFL, objecting to the dates because of conflicts with football games. We know he would like to pick the moderators and, if they are not to his liking, he may boycott just as he did with Megyn Kelly back during the primary debates. Don’t stock up on popcorn until it’s too late for him to back out, like 2 or 3 days before.

We know by now that Trump likes to work with image037guys named Steve (6 or 7 of his economic advisors were named Steve) so the selection of Steve Bannon of Breitbart was in keeping with that peculiarity. But most people in the Republican Party and elsewhere believe that Bannon/Breitbart was a step in the wrong direction as Breitbart is noted for doing the same things that Trump was doing wrong before, but doing them on steroids. Politico asked its panel of Republican insiders (activists, strategists, and operatives) in 11 swing states what they thought of installing Stephen Bannon as campaign CEO. One New Hampshire Republican said: “There is no way to right this ship.” A Virginia Republican said: “You can keep moving people in and out of the car, but so long as the drunk guy is driving it while blindfolded, the ride probably isn’t going to get any smoother.” Bannon/Breitbart is heavily into image025racism, sexism, anti-Semitism, along with hate for anyone that doesn’t agree with those views, including mainstream Republicans – the RINOs – which in their eyes are just as bad as Liberals. Here is a good view of Bannon/Breitbart from CBS News: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/steve-bannon-and-the-alt-right-a-primer/ With Bannon running the show, don’t expect Trump to broaden his appeal too much.

If you listened to the Trump campaign, his supporters and Fox News, you may have to come to that conclusion. Trump spokeswoman Katrina Pierson, claims that Hillary suffers from dysphasia, a rare brain disorder characterized image026by an inability to use or understand language. Needless to say, Ms. Pierson is not a doctor, nor to anyone’s knowledge, has any medical training whatsoever. Hillary hasn’t exhibited any signs that she can’t speak and understand at least one language. Also, Fox News and others have repeatedly circulated stories that she has had a stroke or has some other disabling malady. Any cough or stumble is taken as proof that she is decrepit and on the verge of complete collapse. The whole point of all this is to claim that Hillary is physically and mentally unfit to serve as president. Of course, there’s not a shred of evidence that any of this is true, but who needs evidence if that’s what they want to be true or at least want people to believe? With the new campaign manager, Bannon/Breitbart, running the show now, we can expect a lot more baseless and crazy image034allegations like this about Hillary. Also, wild conspiracy theories on the order of the “birth certificate” lies that have circulated about Obama for the past 8 years.

A couple of meaningless polls show that Trump has started to lose among men. Romney carried men by 27 points but Trump is now just about even according to two different polls. Trump is still ahead in men without a college education and evangelical men, but men with good educations have gone over to Hillary. Because he is losing almost every other demographic group, including women, college educated men, almost all minorities, there just aren’t enough poorly educated white men to make up the difference. Every year, indeed every day that goes by, the demographics become more and more unfavorable to the Trump/TeaParty style of politics. It’s just a matter of time before several of the traditionally red states turn blue. image032We may see a few this year, such as Ariz, Ga, & NC. Virginia looks like it has already turned and Texas is said to be only a few presidential cycles from going that way too. Rush Limbaugh lamented after the 2012 election, “We’re outnumbered!” Sadly for them, it is probably true. The old tricks to whip up the base and win anyway don’t work so well anymore.

The Trump tour of Louisiana is to demonstrate how much he cares about their suffering, as opposed to Obama’s vacationing. At least that’s what is being touted by State of EmergencyTrump and his supporters. What they don’t tell you is that the reason the president didn’t go to Louisiana is because the La. Governor specifically asked him not to come, as it would divert resources (cops and first responders) from disaster relief to protecting the president. The Trump tour is just a political show because he has no authority over anything and therefore can’t really help. His presence can also divert resources but in a much smaller way. On the other hand, the president does have authority to do some good and he has already designated funds for disaster relief, and that does not require his presence. He will be going to Louisiana later, when things settle down a bit. None of this will have any effect on the election because Louisiana and surrounding states are already going to vote for Trump, so he is basically wasting his time there. Hillary knows this too, so she isn’t bothering to waste any time on Louisiana, except to send some kind words.


— More Good News And Bad News Tomorrow —image004image003 image009