Daily Archives: August 16, 2016

Special “Conspiracy Theory Alert” E-dition

august 16 conspiracy theory

Your Official Publication of Record For The Conservative Agenda


Many People Already Believe This Is True

image005Crooked Hillary wins the election in November, then, sometime between November and January, Hillary will be indicted.  The IRS is now investigating the Clinton Foundation and the whole e-mail thing isn’t over yet.

Once under indictment Crooked Hillary won’t be able to assume the Office of the President in January. Tim Kaine, who will not actually be the Vice President because neither he nor Hillary will have been inaugurated, cannot assume the Presidency. 

The Speaker of the House can’t move up to it because there is already a sitting President and Vice President. So Obama, in an Executive Order citing “emergency situation,” gives himself another four years in office is the only way possible.

It is believed Obama has been planning this for a while now, knowing he has enough on Hillary to indict her.  Had the Attorney General indicted her based on evidence from the FBI, this plan wouldn’t have worked because the DNC would have quickly come up with another candidate.

If you think about it, it’s not that outrageous. Many people on the left, including the President, want Obama to stay another four years. The law prohibits him from being re-elected so the only ways he can do it is by declaring martial law and suspending the election (which would be a very negative thing for the country) OR to declare himself still President because the elected candidate cannot assume her duties.

The latter makes more sense and is actually more feasible. And since it’s never been done before, it would set a precedent that would be difficult to challenge. 

Of course, if Trump wins the election none of this is going to happen. But what if BO is smart enough to make this happen?  Four more years of Obama and a mostly useless

Republican House and Senate would give Obama the time he needs to continue destroying by changing the country to fit his stated goals.image006image003image007