Special “Unfitness Report” E-dition



Mirror, Mirror On The Wall, Who’s The Unfittest One Of All

This afternoon at the Conservative Agenda, Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane about Obama’s saying Donald Trump wasn’t fit to be president. “If anybody ought to know about being unfit for the presidency, our worst president in history should,” Kane explained.

image008image004Do you think Trump’s gotten inside Obama’s head? How else could you explain why Obama became totally unglued yesterday and started telling people Republicans should now take back their endorsements of their own nominee? Maybe Obama realizes today there are now only 170 days until Inauguration Day when the Trumpster could begin to undo all the damage Obama has done to America during his two disastrous terms in office.

image008 And it didn’t take long for the Republican presidential nominee’s Rapid Response Team to respond to Obama’s assertion that he was “unfit” to hold the office of the presidency. They did it by pointing out just a few of Obama’s and Hillary’s failures.

“Obama-Clinton have single-handedly destabilized the Middle East, handed Iraq, Libya and Syria to ISIS, and allowed our personnel to be slaughtered at Benghazi. Then they put Iran on the path to nuclear weapons. Then they allowed dozens of veterans to die waiting for medical care that never came.

Hillary Clinton put the whole country at risk with her illegal email server, deleted evidence of her crime, and lied repeatedly about her conduct which endangered us all. They released criminal aliens into our country who killed one innocent American after another — like Sarah Root and Kate Steinle — and have repeatedly admitted migrants later implicated in terrorism. They have produced the worst recovery since the Great Depression. They have shipped millions of our best jobs overseas to appease their global special interests. They have betrayed our security and our workers, and Hillary Clinton has proven herself unfit to serve in any government office.

She is reckless with her emails, reckless with regime change, and reckless with American lives. Our nation has been humiliated abroad and compromised by radical Islam brought onto our shores. We need change now.”image006image003 image006