Special “Sunday Sermon” E-dition


SUNDAY, JUNE 19, 2016

image005This Sunday in America…at the Church of The Compassionate Conservative, Beloved Whistleblower Publisher, the Right-Wing Reverend Charles Foster Kane was asking his Political Parishioners to pray for Profiling in America.

We know it isn’t “politically correct,” Kane explained, “but while America is just sitting around waiting for another mass shooting by a Radical Islamic Terrorist like the one in Orlando, maybe somebody should at least consider it.”

Coincidentally, Donald Trump seems to agree with The Blower’s position on Profiling. “I think profiling is something that we’re going to have to start thinking about as a country,” the presumptive Republican presidential nominee told CBS this morning during an appearance on “Face the Nation.”

“Other countries do it. You look at Israel and you look at others and they do it. And they do it successfully,” Trump added, “I hate the concept of profiling, but we have to start using common sense and we have to use our heads.”

“The big difference between The Blower and Donald Trump on the profiling,” Kane said, “Is that The Blower has always been in favor of profiling, because it works.”image008image009