Special “Saturday Strategery” E-dition



Liberals Are Worried That “Rioting Only Makes Trump Stronger”

In the May 26 “Thursday’s Triumphs” E-dition when The Blower showed you Patrick J. Buchanan weighing in on the violence at the previous night’s Trump Rally in New Mexico, the Former GOP Presidential Candidate, Former Aide to President’s Nixon & Reagan, and Syndicated Columnist explained that those riots would help Trump the way they helped Nixon In ’68.

image006image004Over at Newsbusters, P.J. Gladnick says Esquire magazine writer Charles Pierce must be in a state of panic after the events following yesterday’s Donald Trump rally in San Jose, California when anti-Trump protesters violently attacked Trump supporters. Pierce had previously written that such attacks only help Trump and that has him extremely worried. Unfortunately for him, even some his fellow liberal journalists such as Emmett Rensin, who was suspended from Vox, still haven’t got a clue on just how incredibly counter-productive such riots are.

P.J. says, “What happened in Albuquerque Tuesday night not only was pointless, it was utterly stupid. It gave the campaign of He, Trump enough footage to create campaign ads all the way through his re-election campaign in 2020.” No wonder Trump slammed the violent leftists in San Jose as “Thugs who burned American flag.”image004

image006Hillary-endorsing San Jose Mayor Liccardo justified mob violence against trump supporters as San Jose cops stood by because violence against people with whom he disagrees is OK.

image006image006One day after the Left Wing Rent-a-Mob viciously attacked supporters of Donald Trump outside of a rally in nearby San Jose, Bernie Sanders condemned political violence and anyone who committed it while backing his campaign.

image006Hillary followed Obama’s lead, at first they blamed Trump for the violence at his own rallies, now the co-winners of today’s Liberal Liars Award they claim they want it to stop.

image006Dilbert creator and political observer Scott Adams says the national media is encouraging violent attacks on Donald Trump, including possible murder attempts.

image006Newt Gingrich says, those San Jose Riots are “An Illustration Of How Frightened The Left” is of Donald Trump, explaining that it is representative of fear on the part of the left and “fits into a general pattern” of political violence. “All of us who want real change in Washington have to realize that our opponents are not going to be helpful,” he said. “They’re not just going to roll over and accept this change.” “They know that if Donald Trump is acceptable in October of 2016, he will be president,” Gingrich said. “So they are trying to paint him as unacceptable.”

image027Unfortunately for our Disingenuous DemocRATS, there’s no way they’re  going to give up political violence in 2016. It’s who they are.image003image015