Daily Archives: May 24, 2016

“Disingenuous DemocRAT Talking Points Memo”


TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2016

Did you ever wonder where Kneepad Liberals at Your Local TV Stations Get Their Liberal Bias National News Stories?

image004They’re most likely reading their “Official DemocRAT Talking Points Memo” with slanted stories like these from the PoliticusUSA Newsletter:

image006Mitch McConnell’s Laziest Senate In History Will Work 6 Days In July And August
Mitch McConnell has taken the Republicans in the Senate from not doing their jobs to not even bothering to show up for work.…
By Jason Easley on Tue, May 24th, 2016 at 10:50 am

image007Trump’s Refusal To Release His Tax Returns Just Became A Huge Problem For Republicans
Donald Trump claims that nobody cares about his tax returns, but a new poll found that 67% of Americans and 60% of Republicans, want Trump to release tax returns.…
By Jason Easley on Tue, May 24th, 2016 at 10:02 am

image008Trump Calls Media ‘Dishonest and Disgusting’ For Failing to Back His Veteran Fundraising Lie
“Amazingly, with all of the money I have raised for the vets, I have got nothing but bad publicity from the dishonest and disgusting media”
By Hrafnkell Haraldsson on Tue, May 24th, 2016 at 7:56 am  

image009Hillary Clinton Breaks It To Bernie Sanders That It’s Over By Declining California Debate
Hillary Clinton’s statement declining the California debate sent the not so subtle message that she is moving on to the general election.
By Jason Easley on Mon, May 23rd, 2016 at 10:23 pm

image010Donald Trump Only Cares About Climate Change When His Property Is At Risk
In public, Donald Trump wants the ignorant to believe that climate change is a hoax. It’s a whole different story when the self-obsessed billionaire stands to lose money.…
By Sean Colarossi on Mon, May 23rd, 2016 at 9:50 pm

image011Memo to Donald Trump: You’re Not Running Against Bill Clinton
Donald Trump continues to run for president like his opponent is Bill Clinton. Chances are that will backfire badly.…
By Sean Colarossi on Mon, May 23rd, 2016 at 8:47 pm


image012Sanders Doesn’t Think About Helping Trump With New Effort To Harm Clinton
“Flat-out ‘not thinking about’ whether his efforts to hurt Clinton could aid Trump is an absurd and outrageous win-at-all-costs strategy.”
By Rmuse on Mon, May 23rd, 2016 at 7:43 pm

image013Bill Clinton Absolutely Crushes Donald Trump For Refusing To Release His Tax Returns
While campaigning in California, former President Bill Clinton destroyed Donald Trump over the presumptive Republican nominee’s refusal to release his tax returns
By Jason Easley on Mon, May 23rd, 2016 at 6:45 pm

image014Obama Approval Rating Jumps To 3 Year High As GOP Argument For White House Evaporates
The Republican argument that voters should elect Donald Trump to be the next president was seriously wounded by a new poll…
By Jason Easley on Mon, May 23rd, 2016 at 5:53 pm

image015Hillary Clinton Crushes Trump’s Giant Ego With Two Simple Questions
Hillary Clinton crushed Donald Trump by asking two easy and obvious questions while addressing the SEIU.…
By Jason Easley on Mon, May 23rd, 2016 at 3:54 pm


image016The DNC Just Gave Bernie Sanders The One Major Concession That He Has Always Wanted
Sen. Bernie Sanders has stated that he wants to have a major influence on the DemocRATic platform. Today, the DNC gave him exactly that by awarding the Sanders camp nearly half of the delegates on the DemocRATic platform committee.…
By Jason Easley on Mon, May 23rd, 2016 at 2:13 pm

Democratic U.S. presidential candidates Senator Bernie Sanders and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton arrive on stage ahead of the start of the PBS NewsHour Democratic presidential candidates debate in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, February 11, 2016. REUTERS/Darren Hauck

Sanders And Clinton Supporters Come Together In Ohio To Unleash Hell On Trump
A merging of Clinton and Sanders volunteers who came together to make calls in Ohio was an example of what the unified DemocRATic Party will unleash on Donald Trump.…
By Jason Easley on Mon, May 23rd, 2016 at 1:44 pm

image018With His World Falling Apart Paul Ryan Constructs A Fantasyland Where DemocRATs Vote For Trump
Faced the with the possibility of his party not keeping the White House and losing the Senate, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan retreated to a fantasy world where mythical Trump DemocRATs will elect a Republican president in November.…
By Jason Easley on Mon, May 23rd, 2016 at 11:07 am

image019Bad News For Trump As DemocRATs Are Beginning To Come Home And Follow The Election
The mythical Trump bump may be nearing its end as a new poll shows that more DemocRATs are beginning to pay attention to the election.…
By Jason Easley on Mon, May 23rd, 2016 at 10:10 am

Fox News Poll Destroys Trump Narrative – So Trump Ignores It
Trump isn’t about to advertise that voters might trust Trump on economy and terrorism, but Clinton on foreign policy and nuclear weapons…

image023And Media Research Center Reports (Tracking Liberal Media Bias Since 1996) Reports

CHEESE? ABC, NBC WHINE ABOUT TRUMP’S NEW ATTACK VIDEO AGAINST HILLARY (During their evening news broadcasts, ABC and NBC whined about Trump’s new attack video that goes right to the heart of the Bill Clinton rape claims. “He starts to unbutton my top there, and I try to pull away from him,” said an unidentified voice on NBC Nightly News, with a picture of Bill Clinton smoking a cigar in the background. The video features audio from interviews with women who alleged Clinton assaulted them, as well as Monica Lewinski. And the reporters from ABC and NBC didn’t like it one bit.)image022

NETS IGNORE INVESTIGATION INTO VA. GOVERNOR/CLINTON FRIEND MCAULIFFE (On Monday afternoon, news broke that Virginia’s DemocRATic Governor Terry McAuliffe was being investigated by the FBI for illegal campaign contributions. “We know that this investigation dates back at least into last year and this is looking into donations to McAuliffe’s 2013 campaign for governor,” reported CNN’s Evan Perez on The Lead with Jake Tapper. It’s not every day that a sitting state governor gets investigated for illegal contributions, yet none of the big three news networks decided to report it in there evening broadcasts.)image023

CNBC’S HARWOOD LABELS CLINTON FRIEND/VA GOV. MCAULIFFE A REPUBLICAN UNDER FBI INVESTIGATION (Breaking the news to CNBC viewers early Monday evening about Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe being investigated by the FBI, chief Washington correspondent John Harwood slipped and referred to McAuliffe as “the second consecutive Republican Governor to face a corruption investigation” following predecessor and actual Republican Bob McDonnell.)image024

NBC ASKS AL GORE ABOUT GOP ‘THREAT’ TO CLIMATE CHANGE ‘PROGRESS’ (During a fawning interview with former Vice President Al Gore aired on Monday’s NBC Today, correspondent Anne Thompson teed up the global warming activist to bash Republicans: “Do you see a Trump presidency undoing all the progress that the U.S. has made in the last ten years in the fight against climate change?” Thompson fretted: “This is a man who’s called climate change a ‘hoax’ and other words that we cannot use on network TV….So where’s the hope?”)image025

NBC SKIPS ‘COMMUNIST’ LABEL FOR VIETNAM; TOUTS HIROSHIMA AS ‘PAINFUL CHAPTER OF AMERICAN HISTORY’ (On Monday morning, NBC’s Today and correspondent Ron Allen omitted any mention to viewers that Vietnam remains a authoritarian, communist regime as it welcomed President Barack Obama on the first stop of his week-long Asia tour.)image026

CBS THROWS SOFTBALLS TO GUN-GRABBING GOVERNOR, TALKS UP AS HILLARY VP (Gun-grabbing Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper enjoyed softball questions on Monday as the co-hosts of CBS This Morning uncritically hyped his gun control moves in the state and talked him up as a potential vice president to Hillary Clinton. Attempting to spin Hickenlooper as a moderate, Charlie Rose touted, “What’s the difficulty in explaining, on the one hand, that certain kinds of guns you don’t want people to be able to get, you want certain procedures and at the same time saying you do not want to do away with the Second Amendment?”)


HBO’S OLIVER: ‘LOW PRICE OF OIL’ CAUSED CHAOS IN VENEZUELA; OMITS SOCIALISM (On Sunday’s Last Week Tonight, HBO’s John Oliver blamed oil prices for the current chaos in Venezuela: “What is wrong with Venezuela? Well, the short answer is everything. The low price of oil, which accounts for 96 percent of Venezuela’s exports, has triggered an economic collapse — causing massive inflation and shortages of food and medicine.” While Oliver rightly mocked Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, he failed to point out the role of the authoritarian leader’s socialist policies in crippling the economy there.)image028

CNN’S BOURDAIN IN VIETNAM: OBAMA’S ‘CHOPSTICK SKILLS ARE ON POINT’ (CNN recently admitted that it’s “no longer a TV news network,” but that apparently isn’t going to stop the network from setting aside some of its non-news air time to President Obama. Chef Anthony Bourdain sat down with the DemocRAT in a restaurant in Hanoi on Monday, and shot footage for an upcoming episode of his Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown program on the cable channel. Bourdain posted a picture of his meal with the President on Instagram, and trumpeted that “the President’s chopstick skills are on point.”)image029

And Here Are A Few Left-Wing Cartoons We Just Receivedimage024 image025 image026 image027 image028

And Those Liberal Lies Will Just Keep On Coming

Expect The Battle To Continue For The Next 241* Days Until Noon on Inauguration Day When The Nation Can Begin To Undo All The Damage Obama Has Done.

*1,260 More Days Until “Dee-Day” if you live in Anderson Townshipimage003 image006