Daily Archives: May 20, 2016

OMG, Not Another Damn “Tracie Hunter Update” E-dition


FRIDAY, MAY 20, 2016      

Let’s Review:

image006image005Wednesday in our “Tracie Hunter Update” E-dition, The Blower wondered if she’d finally be going to jail today, or would Judge Susan be coming to her rescue one more time.

image006Thursday afternoon in our
Another “Tracie Hunter Update” E-dition, Courthouse Cronies were placing their bets after Hunter’s lawyers David Singleton and Jennifer Branch sought yet another stay of her sentence, this time from an unnamed federal magistrate in U.S. District Court, arguing that their client didn’t get a fair trial in 2014 because of mistakes by the judge and misconduct by prosecutors. They also argue she has serious health problems that would be aggravated by a prolonged stay in jail, which means anybody with any old healed injury should never have to go to jail no matter what.

image006image008And Thursday night in our Still One More “Tracie Hunter Update” E-dition, we said maybe she won’t be going to jail on Friday after all, especially when we saw the good news on the Stop Disrespecting Convicted Ditzy DemocRAT Ex-Juvie Judge Tracie Hunter Facebook Page Page, after Extremely Liberal DemocRAT United States District Court Judge Timothy Black stayed our Convicted Ditzy DemocRAT Ex-Juvie Judge Tracie’s impending sentence for the duration of federal habeas proceedings (arguing in federal court that she was denied a fair trial), so Hamilton County Common Pleas Court Judge Patrick Dinkelacker won’t be sending her sorry black ass to the slammer tomorrow. Many people who recalled Judge Black’s same-sex marriage ruling were not totally surprised.

image006Our Federal Court House Snitch, who usually has things well in hand, says it was just more ex parte justice that DemocRATS seem to get from DemocRAT judges–it’s so much easier to win when you don’t tell the other side about going to the judge behind their back. On the other hand what did you expect–if Judge Tim can overturn the marriage laws in effect for over 2000 years, keeping Tracie’s scrawny black ass out of jail temporarily was a piece of cake.

image006And does this look like someone who has arthritis of the back and couldn’t do jail time because of a car accident while in college! Make sure you remember that excuse if you’re ever sent to the slammer.image009

image006CH Snitch at 1000 Main Street says the ONLY reason WE HAVE TO DEAL with Tracie Hunter is because of arrogant jack-ass candidates like John Williams who snatched defeat from the jaws of victory and allow that bat shit crazy to get elected in the first place.

image006Hamilton County Party Boss Alex T. Mall Cop GOP says that’s why you should vote for Republican judges.image010

image006Hunter’s lawyer David Singleton said the federal court could never ever be finished reviewing Hunter’s case by the next scheduled local court date of August 15, and he’ll make damn sure of that because as we’ve all learned by Judge Black’s ruling: Justice Delayed will be Justice Denied.image003image013