Daily Archives: May 13, 2016

Special “Gender Bender Update” E-dition


FRIDAY, MAY 13, 2016

It’s All Part Of Obama’s Legacy

image004At this morning’s meeting of the Conservative Agenda, Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane about Obama’s newly created Department of Bathroom Preferences issuing its decree allowing Perverts to use Girl’s School Bathrooms.

image008 - CopyKane explained Friday’s letter to school districts described what they should do to ensure that “none of their ‘transsexual students’ students are discriminated against,” and threatened schools that didn’t image006comply with lawsuits and the loss of federal aid. How many of those so-called “Transsexual Students” are we talking about anyway? (.3% of the population?)


image008 - CopyRed State says that by ignoring the people, and the states, and the courts, Obama is once again exercising his executive authority to enforce his will and a Leftist vision on America. Not under threat of law, but threat of cut funding.


image008 - Copyimage007This morning’s Disingenuous DemocRAT Talking Points Memo (Where Biased Local Newscasts Begin) claims the Obama White House is taking a huge stand in the fight to expand the rights of Perverted Americans.


image008 - CopyMeanwhile, North Carolina schools are letting students bring pepper spray to class, in case “Transsexual Students” want to use the bathroom, and at Target, the CEO is trying to explain why his stock is down a paltry $4.5 Billion since his Pervert Friendly Bathroom Policy was announced.


image008 - Copyimage007Before ending his presidential bid last week, Senator Ted Cruz of Texas charged that Donald J. Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, and Hillary Clinton, the likely DemocRAT nominee, “both agree that grown men should be allowed to use the little girls’ restroom.”

image008 - CopyUpdated Twitters from the candidates are expected later today. Comments from Citizens for Community Values, Ohio Rep John Becker (The Pecker Checker) and Cincinnati Clown-cil Gay Chris Squealback would also not be surprising.


image008 - Copyimage004The Statesman says many have warned about the possible dangers that Obama may induce during his final 252 days in office. With compliant, flaccid Republican majorities in Congress, plus this being an election year, there is no doubt that Obama could get away with a great deal of havoc. Don’t forget that the Republicans flat-out stated that impeachment was off the table along with several other arrows taken from the quiver.


image008 - CopyThe Statesman adds: It is disgusting that the perversion image014agenda is being foisted on the American people by the Leftist Elites, but it is an absolute outrage that the federal government is facilitating that movement by force. If we were not paying so much in federal taxes, the federal government would not have as much power to impose itself on us, would it?


image008 - CopyNOTE: Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane says ever since he heard his old friend G. Gordon Liddy explain it, The Blower has been using the word “sex,” not “gender.” Gender is a linguistic term, and is not scientific or legal. People are born of the “female” or “male” sex, not gender. Forcing the use of improper words is a way of controlling the language and is an old Leftist technique that has actually been quite successful. “Transgender” is among the new words being forced upon us.image003image014