Daily Archives: May 12, 2016

Special “Conservative Report Card” E-dition


THURSDAY, MAY 12, 2016

Because That’s Not What We Voted For

image004Conservative Activist Brent Bozell says in 2014, voters rewarded Republicans by allowing them to keep the House and giving them back control of the Senate. Given the countless failures of the Obama administration and the high likelihood that millions of Americans might not be “Ready for Hillary,” Republicans should’ve been well positioned to win the White House in 2016. But that task was made more difficult than some suspect — because of the Republicans. Specifically, Boehner and McConnell, the two Republicans running the House and Senate at that time. [READ MORE HERE]

Republicans were patting themselves on the back for all they’d supposedly accomplished during the first 100 days of the new Republican-led Congress.image006

They claimed they’ve sent 12 bills to the President’s desk.image007

Nine of those bills were even signed into law.image008

And of course, they wanted you to give them some more money.image009

And “Like” them on FaceBookimage010

They even let you take a bogus survey to make you think they gave a big rat’s ass about what you think.image011

image011The Blower says maybe we should now remind Ryan and McConnell about all their unkept promises from the 2014 Campaign, like repealing ObamaCare (just like they promised in 2013, 2012, 2011 and 2010) and stopping Obama’s unconstitutional executive order granting amnesty to millions who entered the country illegally. After the 2014 Elections, DemocRATS demanded, and Boehner and McConnell immediately agreed to continue funding Obamacare in its entirety, and when conservatives tried to stop Obama’s illegal activity, they were again thwarted by Boehner and McConnell. Boehner’s political consultants even spent $400,000 attacking his own members in their districts — for defying him.

Bozell says, “There should be no reason 2016 could not be 2014 all over again — another landslide for Republicans. It would be so simple. Honoring their word will deliver the presidency to Republicans. Breaking their word will cost the GOP the presidency. McConnell, Ryan: It’s your call.”

image034 - CopyAnd Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane believes the 2016 Elections will not only be about correcting ALL of Obama’s mistakes, but it should also be about electing Real Conservative Leaders in Congress. No wonder the next 180 days will be the most important period in American History.