Special “Saturday Strategery” E-dition



Because The One They Have Now Sure In Hell Isn’t Working

image004Debra from Anderson says after decades of being water carriers for the Welfare State, the so-called GOP “leadership” now wants to declare itself ideologically pure as the driven snow. 

image014They’ve forgotten how to win, and when they do win, they cower in fear of the criticism of the Left.  They lead nothing and no one.  They prostrate themselves before the mushy middle while ignoring the base. 

image014Instead of righteously defending themselves against the most scurrilous accusations of the Left, they meekly apologize, thus allowing every Republican to be painted with the same brush. 

image014They are scared to death of the Obama Supporters In The Press.  Their idea of a presidential candidate is a candidate so bland, and so non-confrontational that even Republican voters can’t get excited about them. 

image014But that doesn’t matter to these geniuses.  Their Holy Grail is the “Undecided”-morons who have not made up their minds a week before a major election.  These pretentious posers want us to think that their motto is “Death before dishonor.”  But it’s really as just like what Mel Brooks said in Blazing Saddles: “Gentlemen, we’ve gotta protect our phony baloney jobs!”
