Did you ever wonder where Kneepad Liberals at Your Local TV Stations Get Their Liberal Bias National News Stories?
They’re most likely reading their “Official DemocRAT Talking Points Memo” with slanted stories like these from the PoliticusUSA Newsletter:
FRIDAY FOX FOLLIES – SPOILER ALERT!!! (Worst! Cliffhanger!! Ever!!! Trump signs onto Megyn Kelly’s prime time special. Will she hold his feet to the fire? Don’t make Follies laugh)
AS THE GOP SUPPRESSES VOTES, HERITAGE PRESIDENT ADMITS IT’S HELPING REPUBLICANS (DeMint is not the first conservative to admit voter ID laws hurt Democrats, Republicans claim they will “make the difference” against Clinton.)
MICROSOFT DUMPS TRUMP AND WILL ONLY DONATE CASH TO THE DEMOCRAT CONVENTION (Microsoft has become the latest company to make it clear that they do not want their name on Donald Trump’s convention by stating that they will only be donating cash to the DemocRAT convention.)
TRUMP CALLS FOR UNITY THEN TELLS REPUBLICANS HE DOESN’T NEED THEIR STUPID UNITY (The walking ball of inconsistent moment to moment contradictions that are Donald Trump struck again today, as Trump called for Republicans to unify then is his next sentence proclaimed that he can win without Republican unity.)
BERNIE SANDERS WITHDRAWS LAWSUIT AGAINST DNC AFTER BEING PROVEN CORRECT ABOUT DATA BREACH (After an independent investigation into the data breach before the Iowa caucuses concluded that the Sanders campaign told the truth, Bernie Sanders has withdrawn his lawsuit against the DNC.)
PROTESTERS CHANT “FUCK DONALD TRUMP” AND CAUSE AN HOUR LONG DELAY IN CALIFORNIA SPEECH (Donald Trump’s style of politics is not playing well in California as protesters chanting “Fuck Donald Trump” have stormed the site of Trump’s speech to the state Republican convention and caused an hour-long delay.)
BLOGGERS: HERE IS YOUR CHANCE TO JOIN POLITICUSUSA (PoliticusUSA is looking for bloggers who have a passion for liberal/progressive politics and the 2016 election. Here is how to join our team.)
BERNIE SANDERS STANDS WITH WORKERS AND VOWS TO FIGHT INDIANA CARRIER PLANT CLOSING (DemocRAT presidential candidate Bernie Sanders stood with Indiana workers and vowed to fight Carrier plant closings that will move 2,100 jobs to Mexico.)
TED CRUZ’S BAD WEEK GETS WORSE AS MIKE PENCE GIVES DISASTROUS HALF HEARTED ENDORSEMENT (Ted Cruz’s bad week got worse as the much-hyped endorsement from Indiana Gov. Mike Pence of Ted Cruz turned owt not to be an endorsement at all, but instead a personal expression of support for Cruz.)
SATANISTS INSULTED BY JOHN BOEHNER’S COMPARISON OF TED CRUZ TO LUCIFER (Ted Cruz is so despised that even Satanists are insulted by John Boehner’s comparison of Cruz to Lucifer.)
JANE SANDERS ADMITS THAT BERNIE IS NOT ACTIVELY TRYING TO FLIP CLINTON SUPERDELEGATES (During an interview on CNN’s New Day, senior Sanders campaign adviser Jane Sanders admitted that her husband is not actively trying to flip Clinton) superdelegates.
MARYLAND LAWMAKER WANTS TO TAKE ON NRA, BUT OVER IMITATION, NOT REAL GUNS (If you are going to take on the most powerful lobby on earth, why pick a fight over imitation guns rather than real ones?)
And Media Research Center Reports (Tracking Liberal Media Bias Since 1996) Reports
NBC SCOLDS CRUZ: ‘MOST HATED MAN ON CAPITOL HILL’ ‘NEEDS HELP’ FROM D.C. ESTABLISHMENT (Thursday night’s NBC Nightly News broadcast tried to shame Ted Cruz for earning the wrath of former House speaker John Boehner. During a speech at Stanford University yesterday, Boehner told students that he would vote for Cruz “over his dead body” and “that miserable son of a bitch” was “Lucifer in the flesh.” That crass characterization didn’t earn Boehner any harsh words from NBC but it did for Cruz, whom NBC reminded viewers was “the most hated man on Capitol Hill.”)
WASHPOST TO PASTOR: HOW WOULD YOU TREAT A DEMONICALLY-POSSESSED CRUZ? (The Washington Post’s Philip Bump followed the Huffington Post’s example on Thursday in semi-seriously pursuing whether Ted Cruz is, in fact, “Lucifer in the flesh,” as former House Speaker John Boehner recently put it. But instead of turning to a Satanist, the journalist consulted with a pastor/exorcist, even though he admitted that “of course there was no truth” to the Republican’s jab at the Texas senator.)
MATTHEWS COMPARES CRUZ TO ‘BAGHDAD BOB’ SHOWING ‘NARCISSISM’ STANDING UP TO BOEHNER (Fresh off accusing Ted Cruz of being a political bigamist, MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews stated Thursday night that Cruz has put on a “Baghdad Bob performance this week” for failing to concede the Republican presidential nomination to Donald Trump while also displaying “political narcissism” in responding to former Speaker John Boehner’s Lucifer analogy.)
CNN ANCHORS AMUSED AT BOEHNER AND TRUMP LAMBASTING CRUZ (On Thursday’s CNN Newsroom, host Brooke Baldwin and chief political correspondent Dana Bash both seemed amused by the vitriol aimed at GOP presidential candidate Ted Cruz by both former House Speaker John Boehner and by fellow candidate Donald Trump. The first sign of amusement occurred while Baldwin was reading a recent quote from Boehner in which he called Senator Cruz “Lucifer in the flesh” and a “miserable son of a bitch,” as what sounds like a giggle — presumably from Bash — can be briefly heard in the background.)
NETS BLAST CRUZ/FIORINA TICKET AS ‘DESPERATE’ ‘HAIL MARY PASS’ THAT IS ‘BOUND TO FAIL’ (On Thursday, all three network morning shows took out the long knives and savaged Ted Cruz for naming Carly Fiorina as his running mate. The CBS, NBC, and ABC broadcasts dismissed the move as a “desperate” “Hail Mary pass” and touted Republican frontrunner Donald Trump mocking the announcement. At the top of CBS This Morning, co-host Charlie Rose set the nasty tone of the coverage: “Critics hammer Ted Cruz’s announcement of a running mate as a desperate attempt to revive his campaign.”)
CNN’S CAMEROTA HOUNDS FIORINA OVER OUTSOURCING, ‘STUNT’ ROLE (CNN’s Alisyn Camerota tossed mostly hardballs during her interview of Carly Fiorina on Thursday’s New Day, especially on the issue of outsourcing. Camerota first cited how the former HP executive was “very honest about the jobs…[she] outsourced” back in 2004, and wondered, “Do you fear that your take back then — and the outsourcing — will come back to haunt you in Indiana?” The anchor followed up with a clip from Laura Ingraham, who spotlighted how outsourcing “became really an albatross around her neck” during her 2010 Senate race against Barbara Boxer, and repeated her question.)
CNN PUSHES WILMORE TO ADMIT HIS SHOW ‘PROBABLY’ ‘TRENDS LEFT’; VIEWS ‘ARE ADMITTEDLY LIBERAL’ (In a profile of White House Correspondents Dinner host Larry Wilmore, CNN’s At This Hour co-host John Berman openly admitted (unlike CBS This Morning) on Thursday to Wilmore’s agreement that The Nightly Show is “admittedly liberal” and “trends left” toward “more pro-DemocRAT policies and politicians.”)
And Here Are A Few Left-Wing Cartoons We Just Received

Gov. John Kasich decided to conserve his resourses by not campaigning in Indiana which may become Sen. Ted Cruz’s last chance at stopping Donald Trump from getting the nomination.
And Those Liberal Lies Will Just Keep On Coming
Expect The Battle To Continue For The Next 265* Days Until Noon on Inauguration Day When The Nation Can Begin To Undo All The Damage Obama Has Done.
*1,284 More Days Until “Dee-Day” if you live in Anderson Township