Daily Archives: April 26, 2016

Official “DemocRAT Talking Points Memo” E-dition



Did you ever wonder where Kneepad Liberals at Your Local TV Stations Get Their Liberal Bias National News Stories?

image004They’re most likely reading their “Official DemocRAT Talking Points Memo” with slanted stories like these from the PoliticusUSA Newsletter:

image005image012RACHEL MADDOW AND HILLARY CLINTON MASTERFULLY HANDLED A PROTESTER AT MSNBC TOWN HALL (A woman stood up to protest and ask Hillary Clinton about women and families who are being held in immigration detention facilities. Instead of having a meltdown of this unexpected occurrence, Maddow asked Clinton the woman’s question, and the Democratic frontrunner answered.)

image005HILLARY CLINTON TAKES ON THE NRA AND TELLS DEMOCRATS TO THROW OUT THOSE WHO CAVE ON GUNS (At the MSNBC TOWN HALL, Hillary Clinton took on the NRA and the gun lobby and urged Democrats to vote against anyone who caves on guns.)

image005HILLARY CLINTON COMES OUT SWINGING BY PAINTING TRUMP AS A RANTING RAVING DEMAGOGUE (Hillary Clinton came out swinging during the MSNBC town hall and previewed a potential line of attack against Donald Trump in the fall.)

image005MSNBC Interrupts Bernie Sanders Town Hall With Fake Trump Breaking News (MSNBC is so obsessed with Donald Trump that they took a break in the middle of the Bernie Sanders town hall in Philadelphia to throw it back to the studio so that Chris Matthews could discuss Donald Trump.)

image005BERNIE SANDERS MAKES HIS STRONGEST STATEMENT YET SUGGESTING HE WILL SUPPORT CLINTON (At the MSNBC town hall with Chris Hayes, Bernie Sanders promised to do everything in his power to stop make sure that no Republican gets into the White House.) 

image005BERNIE SANDERS ARGUES THAT CLINTON SUPERDELEGATES DESERVE A CHANCE TO CHANGE THEIR MINDS (During an MSNBC town hall moderated by Chris Hayes, Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders argued that the super delegates that came out early in support for Hillary Clinton deserve a chance to change their minds.)

image005FEDERAL COMPLAINT FILED AGAINST TED CRUZ FOR BREAKING CAMPAIGN FINANCE LAWS (Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz is being accused of multiple violations of federal campaign finance law in a new complaint filed with the FEC.)

image005PRESIDENT OBAMA DOES FOR TEXAS WHAT REPUBLICANS ARE REFUSING TO DO FOR FLINT (Texans like to talk about seceding from the union and evil President Obama… until they need the feds. And when they need the feds, the real President Obama is there to help.)

image005BOMBSHELL POLL: NEARLY 20% OF REPUBLICANS WILL VOTE FOR HILLARY CLINTON IF TRUMP WINS (A new Suffolk University poll has found that 19% of Republicans say they will support Hillary Clinton if Donald Trump wins the Republican nomination.)

image005GOV. TERRY BRANSTAD BACKS AN INSANE GOP MOVE TO DEFUND PLANNED PARENTHOOD IN IOWA (Governor Terry Branstad (R-IA) says he backs a “reasonable proposal” to defund Planned Parenthood in Iowa, even though federal money doesn’t pay for abortion services due to the Hyde Act and it is already illegal to use Medicaid money for abortion services in Iowa.)

image005GOP BECOMES AN EVEN BIGGER JOKE AS KASICH AND TRUMP FIGHT OVER PANCAKES AND STEAK (Two of the three Republican candidates for president demonstrated why the GOP has become an even bigger joke by getting into a fight over pancakes and steak.)

image005HILLARY CLINTON DISPLAYS HISTORIC CANDIDATE COURAGE BY TAKING ON THE GUN LOBBY (Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has shown unprecedented courage in taking on the gun lobby – a position no other presidential candidate has taken on.)

image005TRUMP PRESIDENTIAL CHARADE FALLS APART AS HE MOCKS THE WAY JOHN KASICH EATS A PANCAKE (The Trump campaign’s attempt to fool the American people into believing that Donald Trump can be more presidential completely self-destructed as the candidate mocked John Kasich for the way that he eats during a rally in Warwick, RI.)

image005MILLENNIALS ARE FLOCKING TO DEMOCRATS BECAUSE THEY HATE DONALD TRUMP (The Harvard IOP Spring Poll found that millennial support for Democrats keeping the White House has doubled as Donald Trump is despised by younger voters.)

image005BERNIE SANDERS SETS A NEW GOAL OF WINNING THE POST-OBAMA SOUL OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY (Sen. Bernie Sanders is turning his political revolution towards a new objective of capturing the post-Obama soul of the Democratic Party.)

image005MAJOR CORPORATIONS AND TRILLION DOLLAR INVESTORS JOIN OBAMA’S CLIMATE CHANGE BATTLE (CEOs and investors hail the Paris Agreement as the start of a new era to combat climate change and support the President’s Clean Power Plan.)

image005CRUZ AND KASICH JOIN FORCES TO STOP TRUMP SHORT OF 1237 DELEGATES (Cruz and Kasich agree that “Having Donald Trump at the top of the ticket in November would be a sure disaster for Republicans”)

 image016And Media Research Center Reports (Tracking Liberal Media Bias Since 1996) Reports

image005image013CNN’S COSTELLO: WHY DIDN’T SANDERS SAY ‘LEWINSKY’S NAME HAS NO PLACE’ IN CAMPAIGN? (Larry Sabato of the University of Virginia blasted Bernie Sanders supporter Rosario Dawson on Monday’s CNN Newsroom for referencing Monica Lewinsky at a recent campaign event for the Vermont socialist: “I think it was stupid. The reason I think it was stupid is because there just aren’t many votes in the DemocRAT primary for invoking the name of Monica Lewinsky.” Anchor Carol Costello replied, “So why didn’t Bernie Sanders just come out and say, you know what — Monica Lewinsky’s name has no place in DemocRAT politics at this time?”)

image005EXCITED ABC PUSHES IDEA THAT KOCHS ‘ON THE SIDELINE’ WILL DESTROY GOP (The journalists at ABC and CBS on Monday excitedly pushed the idea that the Koch brothers will politically stay on the sideline. CBS This Morning’s Nancy Cordes even spun an interview with Charles Koch as “tentative support for Hillary Clinton. Good Morning America’s Jon Karl on Sunday talked to Mr. Koch about the plans he and his billionaire brother have for 2016.)

image005ONE MAN’S EXPOSE BEHIND ABC’S LIBERAL TOWN HALL ATTACK ON CRUZ (According to an actual participant in Good Morning America’s town hall with Ted Cruz last week, the participants were selected based on an apparent dislike of the conservative Republican. In contrast to the fawning town hall with Hillary Clinton, Cruz faced mostly hostile, tough questions.)

image005NETS ALL AGREE: ‘DESPERATE’ CRUZ & KASICH ALLIANCE ‘TOO LITTLE, TOO LATE’ TO STOP TRUMP (On Monday, all three network morning shows parroted Donald Trump’s campaign talking points by dismissing Ted Cruz and John Kasich teaming up to stop the GOP frontrunner as an act of “desperation” that came “too little, too late.” Appearing on NBC’s Today, Bloomberg Politics managing editor Mark Halperin proclaimed: “Donald Trump, to be stopped, they need to do something different….This is different, but it’s also desperate, and it’s a reflection of just how strong a position Trump is in.”)

image005CBS SWOONS OVER ‘PASSIONATE CENTRIST’ OBAMA FAN LARRY WILMORE HARPING ON RACE (Making his latest appearance on CBS This Morning with co-host, devout fan, and Obama friend Gayle King, Nightly Show host Larry Wilmore was serenaded on Monday by King and her fellow co-hosts as a “passionate centrist” who loves President Obama but supposedly mocks politicians on both sides.)

image005LARRY WILMORE: ‘WHICH TYPE OF EXECUTION’ SHOULD BE USED ON GOV. SNYDER? (Monday was an important date for the people of Flint Michigan. April 25 is the date two years ago when the city’s water source was switched to the Flint River and Comedy Central host Larry Wilmore commemorated the event by using his Nightly Show to imagine the best way to kill the state’s Republican governor, Rick Snyder. “What do you think should happen to Governor Snyder?” Before the guest could answer, Wilmore cut her off: “Let me put it a different way, which type of execution?”)

image005WASHPOST BOASTS CNN COMEDIAN IS ‘RELENTLESSLY EASYGOING’ IN OBSESSIVE KKK EPISODE (Reviewing the premiere of liberal CNN comedian W. Kamau Bell’s new show United Shades of America in Monday’s Washington Post, critic Stephanie Merry gushed over Bell’s consistent behavior as “[a] teddy bear of a guy” who’s “relentlessly easygoing” with the first episode being dedicated to hanging out with the Ku Klux Klan (since, of course, they’re supposedly “the core” of the Republican Party).)

And Here Are A Few Left-Wing Cartoons We Just Received

And Those Liberal Lies Will Just Keep On Coming

Expect More Of The Same For The Next 269* Days Until Noon on Inauguration Day When The Nation Can Begin To Undo All The Damage Obama Has Done.

*1,288 days until “D-Day” if you live in Anderson Townshipimage003image047