Daily Archives: April 22, 2016

Another Moment In Treachery For Obama


FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 2016

Did Obama Bow Down to The Saudi Arabian Government Again?

image005Conservatives on the Internet are reporting how the Supreme Court ruled that Iran must pay nearly $2 billion to victims of terror attacks that the Islamic Republic helped to finance, because when a foreign government contributes to efforts to kill Americans, they must be held responsible. Victims should have every right to have their day in court.

image005And in case you missed it, Obama was just in Saudi Arabia to reassure the Royal Family that he will not let the truth about 9/11 come out. Was he promising to keep their secret? How shameful would that be?

image005image006Currently, there are 28 pages of the 9/11 intelligence report that remain classified. It is widely accepted that these pages implicate members of the Saudi Royal Family in financing Al-Qaeda and the 9/11 terrorist attacks. No one denies that the pages identify the Saudi Royal Family as financiers behind the attacks.

image005There is a bipartisan movement in Congress in favor of de-classifying these documents and allow 9/11 victims to go after the Saudi financers in court, but Obama has promised to veto any bill that gets to his desk.

image005The Worst President in History would rather keep the American people in the dark than reveal the truth about one of our so-called “allies.” This is pathetic. And when both Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan declare their opposition to it (despite bipartisan support for the bill), you know that image007this is a bill that needs to become law, and McConnell and Ryan need to be drawn and quartered, or at least fired with no pensions or other benefits, if they don’t pass the bill and force Obama to veto it.

Congress can either declassify the documents to reveal the financial network backing the 9/11 terrorists or they can tell the world that governments can finance terrorist attacks against American citizens with impunity.

That’s the choice. One benefits the American people and the other benefits the Royal Family of Saudi Arabia.

That Obama would travel to Saudi Arabia to promise to keep their secret is shameful enough, image008but when RINOs in the House and Senate promise to stop this legislation from moving forward is even worse.

image005The policy of the United States has always been that the government does not negotiate with terrorists. After this bill was filed in Congress, Saudi Arabia threatened to sell off $750 billion in US assets if the truth was revealed. When a state-sponsor of terrorism threatens economic war if the truth is revealed, then it is time to reveal the truth. But more important than true transparency is the fact that this legislation would allow the victims of the 9/11 attacks, and their families, to bring lawsuits against the attack’s financers. Just like the Supreme Court awarded $2 billion to victims of Iranian-backed attacks, the legislation would open the door for restitution.

It looks like President Trump will have another item on his January 20, 2017 To Do List in only 273 more days.image008image018