Daily Archives: April 21, 2016

Official “DemocRAT Talking Points Memo” E-dition



Did you ever wonder where Kneepad Liberals at Your Local TV Stations Get Their Liberal Bias National News Stories?

image004They’re most likely reading their “Official DemocRAT Talking Points Memo” with slanted stories like these from the PoliticusUSA Newsletter:

image005image013NEW DEMOCRAT FOR LIFE BERNIE SANDERS RAISED A JAW-DROPPING $46 MILLION IN MARCH (Newly minted Democrat for life, Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-VT) announced tonight that his presidential campaign’s army of small donors raised an eye-popping amount of nearly $46 million in March.)

image005BERNIE SANDERS TO STAY A DEMOCRAT FOR LIFE AND SUPPORT CLINTON IF SHE IS THE NOMINEE (Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign manager Jeff Weaver announced this evening that Sen. Sanders will be a member of the Democratic Party for life, and he will support Hillary Clinton if she wins the nomination.)

image005REPUBLICANS PROVE THEY ARE A BIGGER THREAT THAN TERRORISTS BY BLOCKING OBAMA NOMINEE (Tom Cotton has proven that the biggest threats to the safety of the American people are Republican Senators, not Islamic extremists.)

image005EDITORIAL CARTOON: TRUMP WINGNUT (Conjoined because they belong together.)

image005NEW YORK ATTORNEY GENERAL OPENS INVESTIGATION INTO VOTING IRREGULARITIES AT PRIMARY (Due to the high volume of complaints received, New York’s attorney general has opened an investigation into potential voting irregularities during the state’s Democratic and Republican primaries.)

image005SOUTHERN DEMOCRATS REVOLT AND DEMAND THAT BERNIE SANDERS STOP MINIMIZING THEM (The state chairmen of five Southern Democratic parties have written to Sen. Bernie Sanders to ask him to stop minimizing their efforts and voices in the Democratic Party.)

image005STAND WITH FLINT: ACTIVISTS VOW TO FIGHT UNTIL RICK SNYDER IS REMOVED FROM OFFICE (Michigan Republicans aren’t fooling anyone. Activists aren’t slowing down their pursuit of Gov. Rick Snyder after three individuals were charged with crimes relating to the Flint water crisis.)

image005HOW BERNIE SANDERS’ DECISION TO MOVE DEBATE FROM PENNSYLVANIA TO NEW YORK BACKFIRED (Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) personally wanted the Democratic presidential debate that was supposed to be held in Pennsylvania moved to New York, but that decision has completely backfired on the campaign.)

image005DEMOCRATS ARE UNITED BEHIND CLINTON AS HER LEAD GROWS TO 13 POINTS IN PENNSYLVANIA (Democrats are unified behind Hillary Clinton in Pennsylvania, as a new poll shows that her lead has grown to 13 points in the state and 81% of respondents say they will vote for her in November.)

image005MARCO RUBIO GETS RAKED OVER HOT FLORIDA COALS FOR FAILING TO DO HIS JOB (Marco Rubio is being raked over the coals by Floridians for refusing to say why he won’t do his job, and even the Senate Judiciary Chair ringleader of Not Doing His Job Chuck Grassley is hanging Rubio out to dry.)

image005IN RESPONSE TO HILLARY CLINTON WIN, CNN, MSNBC, AND FOX NEWS PUSH TRUMP PROPAGANDA (Hillary Clinton won the Democratic primary in New York, so CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC responded by pushing pro-Trump propaganda.)

image005REPUBLICAN COVER UP: CRIMINAL CHARGES AGAINST 3 FOR FLINT WATER CRISIS BUT NOT RICK SNYDER (The Republican cover-up is in full swing in Michigan as GOP Attorney General Schuette will announce felony and misdemeanour charges against three individuals for the Flint water crisis, but none of them are Gov. Rick Snyder.)

image005RICK SCOTT VETOES UNANIMOUSLY PASSED GOP BILL THAT HELPS THE POOR (“Challenges of accessing routine dental care have critically impacted the health and success of Florida communities,” but Rick Scott doesn’t care.)

image005PENN STATE FEELS THE BERN AS BERNIE SANDERS SEEKS TO REBUILD MOMENTUM (As expected, Bernie Sanders’s rally at Rec Hall was packed to capacity with lines stretched out for blocks nearly two hours prior to the speech, while the arena was already nearly filled. You could feel the excitement of the campaign throughout the rally as the crowd chanted “Feel the Bern” and other slogans.)

image005IF YOU THINK TRUMP IS INSANE, LISTEN TO WHAT THE CRUZ CAMPAIGN IS SELLING (One could easily come to the conclusion that a prerequisite for the GOP is a history of mental illness and a refusal to accept treatment for it)

image017And Media Research Center Reports (Tracking Liberal Media Bias Since 1996) Reports

image005image015IT’S OVER! NBC TRIES TO END GOP & DEM RACES AFTER NY PRIMARY (On Wednesday, NBC’s Today used the outcome of the New York primary to declare the nomination contests on both the Democratic and Republican sides to be over. At the top of the show, co-host Matt Lauer proclaimed: “Decisive victories. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton walk away with big wins in New York. Both now talking like the general election is set….So have New York values ended the race for Cruz? What about Kasich and Sanders?”)

image005MATTHEWS: CRUZ WILL LOSE NOMINATION THEN ‘END UP ON THE RADIO’ FIGHTING MARK LEVIN (Still recovering from a long night covering the New York primary results, MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews resumed his recent streak of attacks on conservative talk radio host Mark Levin by suggesting on Wednesday that Republican Senator Ted Cruz (Tex.) will lose the GOP presidential nod so he can “end up on the radio duking it out with Mark Levin.”)

image005CNN TO SANDERS CAMPAIGN: ‘YOU GUYS ARE BASICALLY HELPING REPUBLICANS’ (On Wednesday’s At This Hour, CNN’s Kate Bolduan lobbied Bernie Sanders’s senior media adviser, Tad Devine, to lighten up in his campaign’s attacks on Hillary Clinton, following the Vermont senator’s loss in the New York primary: “Bernie Sanders said there’s no change in strategy moving forward. But when you look forward…do you need to have a change in tone? The Clinton campaign is furious over what they call false character attacks from your campaign leading up to New York….You guys are basically helping Republicans here.”)

image005NETS MUTE ON TEENS KILLED BY ILLEGAL ALIENS; HYPE SYMPATHY FOR IMMIGRANT FAMILIES INSTEAD (In a week where the networks have reported sympathetically towards illegal immigrants benefiting from President Obama’s immigration policies, they ignored a significant House hearing where two mothers of teenagers murdered by illegal immigrants pleaded with the House Judiciary Committee Tuesday, asking Congress to step up enforcement of immigration policies and protect innocent Americans from criminal gangs entering the U.S. illegally.)

image005PREMATURE EXASPERATION: ABC FRETS OVER NO WOMAN ON MONEY (ABC on Wednesday preemptively offered a blast of liberal outrage over no woman being on the American currency. A couple hours after the Good Morning America story aired, it was announced that Harriet Tubman would replace Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill. Reporter David Wright alerted, “There are glass ceilings and there are paper ceilings, it seems. Here in the U.S., a woman has never been featured on the front of paper money.”)

image005HOT AIR HAMMERS MSNBC FOR FALSELY CLAIMING THE BENGHAZI CMTE IS THE ‘LONGEST RUNNING INVESTIGATION’ (Hot Air editor Jazz Shaw offered an excellent piece on Tuesday completely debunking the false claim put forth on the Friday edition of MSNBC’s All In from fill-in host Steve Kornacki that the House Select Committee on Benghazi is the “longest running investigation” of its kind. Hoping to use a bogus chart to bolster his fib, Kornacki stood in contrast to even the liberal site Politifact as they debunked it back in October when the Clinton campaign trotted out this line for the media to seize upon.)

image005WATCH AS ABC JOURNALIST IS MISTAKEN FOR A HILLARY SUPPORTER BY ‘BERNIE BRO’ (Nightline reporter David Wright on Tuesday was mistaken for a Hillary Clinton supporter by an angry “Bernie bro.” Talking to New Yorkers in Washington Square Park, he was interrupted. Wright related, “We were chatting with one Sanders supporter… then a Bernie bro barreled up, assuming I’m the enemy because I’m wearing a tie.”)

And Here Are A Few Left-Wing Cartoons We Just Receivedimage019image020 image022 image023

 And Those Liberal Lies Will Just Keep On Coming…

At Least For The Next 274* Days Until Noon on Inauguration Day When The Nation Can Begin To Undo All The Damage Obama Has Done.

*1,293 days until D-Day if you live in Anderson Townshipimage008image047