Daily Archives: April 17, 2016

Special “Sunday Talk Show Analysis” E-dition

“Sunday Talk Show Analysis”

SUNDAY, APRIL 17, 2016

Here’s What The 2016 Presidential Candidates Had To Say

image004With time running out before the next big Presidential Primary Elections, Whistleblower Senior National Political Affairs Analyst Britt Humus wonders why Political Insiders have to watch all those Sunday TV Talk Shows to hear what the 2016 Candidates were saying this morning with all that last-minute mudslinging going on, when those Bombastic Bloggers at The Hill did all that work reviewing this morning’s programs.  

image005RNC CHIEF: NO CHANGES TO DELEGATE REQUIREMENT LIKELY (“The majority rules and that is an American concept I can’t imagine us turning our backs on.”)

image005PRIEBUS NOT TAKING TRUMP ATTACKS PERSONALLY (“I don’t take it personally … because I kind of just rest in the truth,” Priebus said.

image005TRUMP STRATEGIST: ‘THERE’S NOT GOING TO BE A SECOND BALLOT’ (“There are many paths to 1,237 for Donald Trump,” Paul Manafort said.)

image005LEWANDOWSKI: TRUMP WILL BLOCK CRUZ ON DELEGATE COUNT NEXT TUESDAY (“In the next two weeks, Donald Trump will add an additional 200 delegates to his total.”)

image005LEWANDOWSKI DODGES ON MICHELLE FIELDS APOLOGY (“To apologize to someone I’ve never spoken to…is a little unrealistic right now.”)

image005POLL: ALMOST TWO-THIRDS OF REPUBLICANS SAY CANDIDATE WITH MOST VOTES SHOULD BE NOMINEE (Republicans were asked if delegates at contested convention should select the nominee.)

image005CRUZ SUPPORTER BLASTS TRUMP CAMPAIGN’S ‘HYPERBOLIC RHETORIC’ (Ken Cuccinelli said Trump was “stomped” in Wyoming.)

image005KASICH TO TRUMP: ‘ACT LIKE YOU’RE A PROFESSIONAL’ (“You’ve got to have a certain number of delegates to be nominated,” Kasich said.)

image005SANDERS: ‘OF COURSE’ SANDY HOOK VICTIMS SHOULD BE ABLE TO SUE GUN MANUFACTURERS (Hillary Clinton attacked Sanders for his initial comments.)

image005SANDERS: WE HAVE A ‘VIABLE’ PATH TO THE NOMINATION (He pointed to California, saying he expects to pick up a lot of delegates.)

image005SANDERS TIRED OF ‘BEING BEATEN UP’ BY CLINTON CAMPAIGN (“They’ve gone after us in every single area in a way that just misrepresents my views.”)

image005CLINTON EXPECTING ‘ALL KINDS OF GAMES’ FROM REPUBLICANS TO DIVIDE DEMS (“They’re going to try to sow discord among Democrats between our campaigns.”)

image005CLINTON: ‘I DON’T RESPOND’ TO TRUMP’S INSULTS (Clinton says she’s concerned about how Trump goes after “everybody else.”)

image005AXELROD: SANDERS WOULD NEED A ‘LANDSLIDE’ TO BEAT CLINTON (“He’s run a splendid campaign… but at this point, it just looks like time is running out.”)

image005DNC CHAIRWOMAN AGREES WITH SANDERS ON ‘OBSCENE’ AMOUNT OF MONEY IN POLITICS (“We agree as a party that there is an obscene amount of money in politics.”)

image005CLINTON UP BY DOUBLE DIGITS IN NY, CALIF. (Clinton leads Sanders by 10 points in New York, where voters will cast ballots on Tuesday.)

image005POLL: TRUMP ATOP GOP FIELD IN NY, CALIF. AND PA. (Trump leads by 33 points ahead of Tuesday’s primary in New York.)

image005CLOONEY: TRUMP, CRUZ RUN CAMPAIGNS OF FEAR (“We are not a country that is afraid, and I refuse to accept that,” Clooney said.)

image005GOP POLLSTER: TRUMP’S IN ‘BIG TROUBLE’ IF HE DOESN’T SECURE NOMINATION ON FIRST BALLOT (“If you ask me to bet, he should win on the first ballot or come close enough that he could deal for those delegates to be able to win on a first ballot,” said John McLaughlin.)

image005PATAKI TO JOIN KASICH ON CAMPAIGN TRAIL (John Kasich has a new ally on the campaign trail after an endorsement from former New York Gov. George Pataki last week.)

image005FAUCI: FUNDING FROM CONGRESS CRUCIAL TO FIGHT ZIKA VIRUS (“We are going to have to get the money to be able to do the full job that we planned to do.”)

Sanders Backers Throw Cash At Clinton

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