Daily Archives: April 16, 2016

Official “DemocRAT Talking Points Memo” E-dition



Did you ever wonder where Kneepad Liberals at Your Local TV Stations Get Their Liberal Bias National News Stories?

image004They’re most likely reading their “Official DemocRAT Talking Points Memo” with slanted stories like these from the PoliticusUSA Newsletter:

image007image007FRIDAY FOX FOLLIES – DONALD DÉTENTE (Megyn Kelly met with Trump, which almost broke the Internet, and It looks more and more like Fox “News” has chosen its candidate)

image007DEBATE FATIGUE? ONLY 5.6 MILLION TUNE IN TO CNN BROOKLYN DEMOCRAT DEBATE (It is no surprise that the CNN Brooklyn Democratic debate that was characterized by sloppy moderators, frustrated candidates, and a ton of rehashed material only drew 5.6 million viewers.)

image007CLINTON MAY HAVE EARNED MORE WITH ONE WALL ST SPEECH THAN SANDERS MADE IN A YEAR (In 2014, Bernie Sanders earned just over $200,000 for the year. In contrast, it is being reported that Hillary Clinton was paid more than Sanders earned for one Wall Street speech.)

image007BILL CLINTON STICKS UP FOR THE SOUTH WHILE RIPPING BERNIE SANDERS (Bill Clinton let his Southern roots show as he appeared to take great offense to Bernie Sanders minimizing the votes of Southern Democrats who supported his wife’s presidential campaign.)

image007TRUMP LEADS REPUBLICANS DOWN THE GUTTER: 78% OF AMERICANS REJECT RUDE GOP CAMPAIGN (Seventy-eight percent of Americans, “including most Republicans, see the Republican race as discourteous”, according to a new poll by the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research)

image007EDITORIAL CARTOON: GARBAGE TRUNKS (It’s Trump V Cruz, who can spew the most garbage.)image009

image007JOHN KASICH GOES “LEGITIMATE RAPE” BLAMES PARTY GOING WOMEN FOR SEXUAL ASSAULTS (Kasich told a woman concerned about sexual violence, “Don’t go to parties where there’s a lot of alcohol.”)

image007REPUBLICANS FALL APART AS ALL TALK NO ACTION PAUL RYAN FAILS TO PASS BUDGET (Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI), who inherited his Speakership and made grand promises of his leadership returning the House to “regular order”, has fallen flat on his face as the House was unable to pass a budget by the April 15th deadline, as mandated by law.)

image007BERNIE SANDERS DELIVERS STIRRING MESSAGE OF HOPE AND OPPORTUNITY AT VATICAN CONFERENCE (Bernie Sanders delivered a speech that stuck to his core values of hope change in our politics while stressing that young people are the key to solving issues ranging from income inequality to climate change while speaking at a conference hosted by the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences.)

image007O’REILLY SAYS MAKING UP WITH MEGYN KELLY WILL FIX TRUMP’S APPROVAL RATING WITH WOMEN (“Among the ladies, 75 percent unfavorable…but now that Trump is friends with Megyn Kelly again, this has gotta go way down, right?”)

image007MISCHIEF OR MISTAKE – THE VATICAN DIDN’T INVITE SENATOR SANDERS TO MEET WITH THE POPE (“Senator Sanders was not invited by the pope, but by the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences; the Pope will not meet with the candidate.”)

image007SARAH PALIN RESURFACES TO ENSURE THAT EVERYONE IN AMERICA HATES THE REPUBLICAN PARTY (Just in case there was a single American left who needed the motivation to hate the Republican Party, Sarah Palin is vowing to lead a revolution of crazy if Trump or Cruz is denied the nomination.)

WATCH BILL O’REILLY’S REPUBLICAN MATH INCREDIBLY WIPE AWAY TRUMP RACISM (Bernie Goldberg told Bill O’Reilly, Trump “hasn’t done anything to my knowledge that would offend so many black people.”)

 image011And Media Research Center Reports (Tracking Liberal Media Bias Since 1996) Reports

image007image008VAN JONES PRAISES BERNIE’S ‘INTEGRITY’ BACKING ‘PALESTINIAN RIGHTS’; REAL ‘LEVEL OF INTEGRITY’ (CNN political commentator and former Obama administration official Van Jones offered some rather kind words for socialist Senator Bernie Sanders following Thursday’s CNN Democratic Debate in praising his “extraordinary” “level of integrity” for demanding the need for “Palestinian rights” in the Israel-Palestinian conflict.)

image007CUOMO TO SANDERS: ‘TENS OF THOUSANDS OF YOUNG PEOPLE SHOUTING YOUR NAME’  (CNN anchor Chris Cuomo on Thursday gushed over socialist Bernie Sanders, wondering what it feels like to have thousands “shouting your name?” The New Day anchor, who previously bashed Marco Rubio for “backward-looking” positions, fawned to Sanders: “To be here tonight with tens of thousands of young people shouting your name, believing in you, what does it mean, from where you came from and where you are tonight in the same place?”)

image007CHRIS MATTHEWS: EVERYBODY IS ‘AFRAID OF GETTING KNOCKED OFF’ BY A GUN (Chris Matthews couldn’t help himself from stoking the flames of fear against firearms Thursday night after the contentious Democratic debate on CNN. “Everybody walks the streets afraid of getting knocked off. Let’s face it, there’s still a lot of violence on the streets even in New York, which is pretty safe,” he exclaimed on MSNBC.)

image007CBS TEAMS WITH WHITE HOUSE, PELOSI TO ATTACK GOP FOR NOT CREATING $1.9 BILLION FOR FIGHTING ZIKA (Thursday’s CBS Evening News featured a segment in which chief medical correspondent Dr. Jon LaPook tag-teamed with the White House and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi to attack Republicans for not going along with demands to create $1.9 billion (that could be passed through Congress) to allow the CDC and NIH to fight the Zika virus.)

image007ABC SKIPS OWN POLL SHOWING UNPOPULAR HILLARY, HYPES DISLIKE OF CRUZ (The journalists on Good Morning America, Thursday, eagerly touted a new poll finding that “most the country doesn’t like” Ted Cruz and Donald Trump. What did they ignore from their own survey? A majority of Americans aren’t fond of Hillary Clinton either. Reporter Jon Karl trumpeted, “This poll looks at the Republican candidates and shows that the most of the country simply doesn’t like them.”)

image007MEGYN KELLY BLASTS EXCESSIVE MEDIA COVERAGE OF TRUMP: ‘WE HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT OUR SOULS (On her Wednesday night show, Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly described a recent meeting with Donald Trump to “clear the air” in wake the Republican frontrunner’s months of public attacks against her. However, appearing at the annual Women in the World forum on April 6, Kelly ripped into her media colleagues for their excessive and skewed coverage of the billionaire’s campaign.)

And Here Are A Few Left-Wing Cartoons We Just Received


Clay Bennett, Chattanooga Times Free Press


And Those Liberal Lies Will Just Keep On Coming

image035Expect More Of The Same For The Next 279* Days Until Noon on Inauguration Day When The Nation Can Begin To Undo All The Damage Obama Has Done.

*1,299 if your live in Anderson Townshipimage010image011