Daily Archives: April 7, 2016

Official “DemocRAT Talking Points Memo” E-dition



Did you ever wonder where Kneepad Liberals at Your Local TV Stations Get Their Liberal Bias National News Stories?

image004They’re most likely reading their “Official DemocRAT Talking Points Memo” with slanted stories like these from the PoliticusUSA Newsletter:

image006image006TED CRUZ’S NEW YORK REPUBLICAN PRIMARY CAMPAIGN IS OFF TO A DISASTROUS START (The New York Daily News is taking on all of the 2016 presidential candidates, but tomorrow’s cover is especially personal, telling Ted Cruz to take the F U train for dissing New York values.)

image006DEMOCRATS POUNCE AFTER WISCONSIN REPUBLICANS ADMIT TO TRYING TO STEAL THE 2016 ELECTION (Democrats go on the attack and sound the alarm bells after Republicans in Wisconsin admit that they are trying to steal the 2016 election.)

image006DONALD TRUMP SUPPORTERS CAUGHT BY MEDIA OFFERING TO BEAT UP PROTESTERS AT RALLY (Donald Trump supporters were caught by members the media in attendance at his rally in New York offering to help rough up protesters.)

image006PAUL RYAN TRIES TO STEAL CREDIT FROM PRESIDENT OBAMA FOR ZIKA VIRUS FUNDING (Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) is masterful at looking like he’s doing something when he’s not. But today he took that to a new level by trying to steal credit from President Obama for Zika virus funding – funding his own House has been denying.)

image006HARRY REID CALLS OUT COWARDLY CHUCK GRASSLEY FOR BLAMING JOHN ROBERTS FOR HIS OBSTRUCTION (Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) called out Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) for turning the Senate Judiciary Committee into a political arm of the Republican Party. “What needs mending is the Judiciary Committee under his chairmanship, which he has annexed as a political arm of the Republican leader’s office,” Reid charged.)

image006MORE BAD NEWS FOR REPUBLICANS AS MILLENNIALS POWER OBAMA APPROVAL TO 3 YEAR HIGH (The bad news continues to pile up for Republicans as a new poll has found that millennials are power President Obama’s job approval rating to a new three year high.)

image006OBAMA TO TURN FOX NEWS INTO A WEAPON OF MASS REPUBLICAN OBSTRUCTION DESTRUCTION (PRESIDENT OBAMA IS ENDING HIS TWO-YEAR FOX NEWS BAN, BY doing an interview that will air on Fox News Sunday. What is interesting is that the President will be using the interview to hammer Republicans for obstructing his Supreme Court nominee, Merrick Garland.)

image006HILLARY CLINTON HINTS THAT SHE WILL BE CLOSELY WORKING WITH ELIZABETH WARREN (Hillary Clinton dropped a hint that she will be working closely with Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) during an interview on MSNBC’s Morning Joe.)

image006PRESIDENT OBAMA’S BRILLIANT MANEUVER TO STOP PFIZER’S TAX-AVOIDANCE SCAM (“For you to thrive here, but move your technical address simply to avoid paying taxes, is neither fair, nor is it good for the country.”)

image006THE PANAMA PAPERS SHOW IT’S TIME FOR ‘NO REPRESENTATION WITHOUT TAXATION’ (The Panama Papers reveal how the elite work against us. If our cry should not be “off with their heads!” it should at least be “off to the IRS!”)

image008And Media Research Center Reports (Tracking Liberal Media Bias Since 1996) Reports

image006image005NBC: BETTER GOP ‘LOSE WITH CRUZ’ THAN GET ‘THUMPED WITH TRUMP’ (During a panel discussion on Wednesday’s NBC Today, political analyst Nicolle Wallace recalled South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham recently telling her “it is more important to maintain the principles and the dignity and honor of the conservative movement with someone like Ted Cruz, who he acknowledged

image006NBC KICKS OUT CONSERVATIVE PROTESTER, BUT GAVE CAMERA TIME TO LEFTISTS ATTACKING CHENEY (On Wednesday, security for NBC’s Today expelled a conservative protester on the plaza outside the morning show’s New York City studio for holding up a “Don’t Believe the Liberal Media” sign. However, back in 2011, a left-wing protester had no trouble getting camera time while holding up a sign accusing former Vice President Dick Cheney of “torture” and calling for him to be investigated.)

image006CNN’S BLITZER PREDICTS CRUZ ‘NOT GOING TO DO WELL’ WITH MINORITIES, WOMEN  (On Wednesday’s The Situation Room on CNN, host Wolf Blitzer suggested that GOP presidential candidate Ted Cruz would not do well in a general election with minorities and women as he discussed Idaho Republican Senator James Risch’s preference for Cruz over Donald Trump as his party’s nominee: “After losing in 2012 when President Obama was reelected, the Republican National Committee did what they called an autopsy, how to bring in more support from women, from minorities, from young people. How’s that working out so far?”

image006CNN’S LEMON COMPARES RELIGIOUS FREEDOM LAWS TO WHAT ‘THEY DID WITH BLACK FOLKS’ (For the second time in a week, CNN Tonight host Don Lemon entered into an on-air debate late Wednesday with a conservative by misrepresenting the newly-signed religious freedom law in Mississippi as akin to “discrimination,” banning interracial marriage, and what “they did with black folks” before the Civil Rights Era.)

image006MSNBC’S ‘BREAKING NEWS’: PROTESTER SAYS CRUZ IS ‘RIGHT-WING BIGOT’  (MSNBC journalists on Wednesday breathlessly broke in with the liberal network’s idea of “breaking news.” Reporting on a heckler yelling at Ted Cruz in New York, a network graphic alerted, “Breaking News: Protester: Cruz Is ‘Right-Wing Bigot.’” That’s breaking news? Someone, somewhere, screaming something?)

 And Here Are A Few New Conservative Posters We Just Received
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 And Those Liberal Lies Will Just Keep On Coming

Expect More Of The Same For The Next 288* Days Until Noon on Inauguration Day When The Nation Can Begin To Undo All The Damage Obama Has Done.

*1,307 Until  D-Day Anderson Townshipimage011image012