Daily Archives: March 31, 2016

TRUMP CHRONICLES: 2016 PRIMARY CAMPAIGN (“Wednesday’s Wild Cards”)


On Trump’s 1167th Day In Office
With Still None Of Obama’s Political Perps In The Slammer

And Today In 2016, The Blower Featured


Tonight’s Really Big Story

 The Blower just found a web site maintained by the ReligionofPeace.com that tracks Islamic Terrorist Attacks. It shows the List of Islamic Terror Attacks during the past 30 days. During this time period, there were only 136 Islamic attacks in 25 countries, in which 1015 people were killed and 2992 injured. image004image008

 Other Trending Tales The Blower Will Be Tracking Tonight Include:

image006JUST A COINCIDENCE? The person who started that controversial petition so Republicans could bring their guns to the Republican National Convention was a Hillary Supporter, just like the Florida prosecutor in Trump campaign manager case.

image006ANOTHER COINCIDENCE? (Because of an error by the D.C. DemocRAT Party, Senator Bernard Sanders’ name is not on the ballot. How do you figure that happened?)image007

image006ANOTHER JEFF RUBY PUBLICITY SCAM (How much free media did The Fishwrap and other Kneepad Liberals in the Press lavish on Jeff Ruby when he supposedly “barred” Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump from his Louisville steakhouse? Will Ruby get the same amount of free publicity again, now that he’s caved in and is begging Trump to return?image009

image006POLL: MOST AMERICANS SUPPORT TORTURE (A majority of Americans say they support the “torture” of suspected terrorists in order to extract information, according to a new poll released Wednesday. Sixty-three percent of those surveyed in the Reuters/Ipsos poll said torture is “often or sometimes justified,” including 53 % of DemocRATS and 82% of Republicans.)image010

image006OBAMA HAS COMMUTED SENTENCES OF MORE PRISONERS THAN LAST SIX PRESIDENTS COMBINED (CNSNews.com) –The White House announced today that President Barack Obama is commuting the sentences of an additional 61 criminals and that he has now commuted the sentences of more prisoners that all of the last six presidents combined. “We’re all imperfect. We all make mistakes,” Obama said. “To date, the President has now commuted the sentences of 248 individuals – more than the previous six Presidents combined,” said a statement by the White House. The total includes 92 prisoners who were serving life sentences.image012image003TODAY’S “STUPID LIBERAL LIAR” AWARD

PMSNBC MIGHT HAVE TO BUILD A DEEPER TANK . . . so Cokie Roberts can dive into it for Hillary. On today’s Morning Joe, Roberts of NPR complained about the resources the FBI is devoting to the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s misuse of email.  Carped Cokie: “Don’t they have other problems? There’s no crime in the country they should be worrying about?”image013image003

 Plus, These Two New Videos:

Trump’s Voice Used in New Hollywood Border Thriller


Sounds like Silence


Today’s Earlier Editionsimage016

 “Pointless Political Pledges” (Something Else That’s Not Worth A Bucket Of Warm Spit!)

 “Dumbing Down Of America” (What We have Here Is A Failure To Communicate)

 “Cleveland Convention” (Getting Ready For The Riots)

 “Those Were The Good Old Days” (From The Whistleblower Archives)

More “Political Punch Lines” (Hoping To Hear A Lot More Of Them Tonight!)

And that’s the way it was today on the 295th Day until January 20, 2017 when the Next President can only begin to Undo all the damage Obama has done.

*1,325 if your live in Anderson Township

More News Later (Or Most Likely Tomorrow Morning) From The Whistleblower Newsroomimage003image001