Daily Archives: March 30, 2016

Special “Pointless Political Pledges” E-dition



Tuesday Night in Milwaukee

image004All three GOP contenders (Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, and John Kasich as The Beaver) backed away from their earlier meaningless pledges to support the eventual Republican nominee during a so-called CNN town hall on Tuesday.

image006When asked if he would keep the pledge he signed last September, Trump responded “No, I won’t.” The real estate mogul explained that he was taking back the pledge because, “I have been treated very unfairly,” and listed the Republican National Committee and party establishment among those he believes have wronged him.

image006Cruz, who is running second to Trump in the delegate race, shrugged off the question of whether he would support Trump in November, saying “Donald is not going to be the GOP nominee. We’re going to beat him.” The Texas senator added that nominating Trump “would be an absolute train wreck” and “would hand the general election to Hillary Clinton.”


image006image006Ohio Governor Kasich, who has vowed to keep his campaign going until this summer’s convention in Cleveland despite being a distant third in the delegate count, also didn’t say whether he’d stand by the pledge. “If the nominee is somebody I think is really hurting the country, and diving the country, I can’t stand behind them,” Kasich said.


Have you ever heard such bullshit in your life?


No wonder the Liberal Spin on this morning’s Official “DemocRAT Talking Points Memo” included Republicans May Be Getting A DemocRAT President Elected With Horrid CNN Town Hall (Republicans Ted Cruz and Donald Trump put on such a horrid display at the CNN Town Hall in Wisconsin that they may have just gotten a DemocRAT elected to be the next President Of The United States.)

Now for this morning’s amusement, let’s all watch the “The Trumpinator.”

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