Daily Archives: March 26, 2016

Official “DemocRAT Talking Points Memo” E-dition



Did you ever wonder where Kneepad Liberals at Your Local TV Stations Get Their Liberal Bias National News Stories?

image004 - CopyThey’re most likely reading their “Official DemocRAT Talking Points Memo” with slanted stories like these from the PoliticusUSA Newsletter:

image006image006 - CopyREPUBLICANS BLASTED NATIONWIDE FOR OBSTRUCTING OBAMA AND REFUSING TO DO THEIR JOBS (Senate Republicans are getting hammered with a mountain of bad press from sea to shining sea for their refusal to even hold hearings for Chief Justice Merrick Garland, President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee)

image006TED CRUZ “SEX SCANDAL” HAS DONALD TRUMP’S DIRTY LITTLE FINGERPRINTS ALL OVER IT (The source for the Ted Cruz sex scandal tabloid rumors is owned by a very close friend of Donald Trump. The fact that the story comes from one of Trump’s pals highlights that there is no dirty trick that is off limits to the Republican frontrunner)

image006REPUBLICANS REALLY HATE THE ELECTION PROCESS RIGHT NOW (It should come as no surprise to anyone that Republican satisfaction with the election process is dropping like a rock)

image006TED CRUZ WILL ROLL BACK ACCESS TO CONTRACEPTION IF ELECTED (Cruz says he will illegally order an investigation of Planned Parenthood and end requirement of contraceptive method coverage for employers)

image006TRUMP’S TARIFF PLAN COULD BOOMERANG, SPARK TRADE WARS WITH CHINA, MEXICO (Donald Trump’s threats to slap steep tariffs on Chinese and Mexican imports may have won him votes in Republican primaries but they would likely backfire, severely disrupting U.S. manufacturers that increasingly depend on global supply chains)

image006TELEVANGELIST JIM BAKKER CLAIMS CHRISTIANS WILL BE MACHINE-GUNNED FOR PUBLIC PRAYER (That’s right. Jim Bakker says Christians will be mowed down with machine guns for doing something Jesus told them not to do)

image006TRUMP’S CONTEMPT FOR WOMEN MADE HIM A FRONTRUNNER IT’S ALSO WHY HE’LL NEVER BE PRESIDENT (Republican front-runner Donald Trump retweeted “A picture is worth a thousand words” with an attached picture of his wife Melania looking beautiful next to an image of Ted Cruz’ wife, Heidi Cruz, looking angry)

image006EDITORIAL CARTOON: DARKNESS (Using modern technology to send the world into darkness. How ironic)image007 - Copy

image006REPUBLICANS FIND A NEW WAY TO HUMILIATE THEMSELVES AS TED CRUZ BLOWS UP ON TRUMP (Republicans embarrass themselves and the nation as Ted Cruz blew up on the campaign trail as he reacted to Donald Trump’s attacks on his wife)

image006BERNIE SANDERS LOOKS TO BUILD ON NATIONAL POLL LEAD WITH BIG RALLY IN WISCONSIN (On the same day that a new poll found Bernie Sanders edging Hillary Clinton 49%-48% nationally, the Sanders campaign announced a big rally in Madison, Wisconsin on Saturday)

image006THE REPUBLICAN PARTY’S FICTIONAL BIDEN RULE GOES UP IN SMOKE AND IT’S A BFD (Republicans have been hiding behind a fictional “Biden Rule” to justify their SCOTUS nominee obstruction but today Vice President Joe Biden blew up that whole mess of lies)

image006WATCH JOE BIDEN HUMILIATE SENATE REPUBLICANS BY EXPLAINING THEIR JOB TO THEM (Watch Vice President Joe Biden as he humiliates Senate Republicans by explaining their job to them)

image006RYAN AND MCCONNELL’S OBSTRUCTION OF OBAMA KEEPS VOTER HATRED OF GOP AT RECORD HIGH (Not only does President Obama have his highest approval ratings in 3 years, but by a margin of 2-1, Americans say the Senate should vote on Obama’s Supreme Court pick. Yikes. But wait, it gets worse. While Americans pretty much despise everyone in Congress, they like Democrats more than they like Republicans)

image006TRUMP’S CANDIDACY IS FINISHED WITHOUT HIS STUPID BASE (The most bizarre mystery of modern political history is why any American supports Donald Trump: what kind of idiots are those people?)  

image008 - CopyAnd Media Research Center Reports (Tracking Liberal Media Bias Since 1996) Reports

image006image009 - CopyIT’S BEEN 513 DAYS SINCE ANY BIG 3 NETWORK HAS TOUCHED THE IRS SCANDAL  (The latest stunning development in the IRS targeting scandal, that a federal appeals court on Tuesday scolded the IRS for failing to turn over its full list of groups it targeted, has yet to be reported on any of the Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) network evening or morning shows. However, as NewsBusters’ Scott Whitlock reported, all three networks on Thursday found time to gush over Barack Obama’s “fancy footwork” and “dancing diplomacy” in Argentina.)

image006ABC, CBS PAINT CRUZ AS DOWN IN THE MUD WITH TRUMP; NO ‘VIRTUE’ IN BATTLE OVER WIVES (On Thursday, ABC’s World News Tonight and the CBS Evening News chose not to be the arbiter of whether Donald Trump or Ted Cruz was in the wrong concerning the debate over the wives and despite the fact Cruz had nothing to do with an ad of a naked Melania Trump, the newscasts painted Cruz as down in the mud with Trump for “defending the virtue of his wife.”)

image006NETWORKS GUSH OVER OBAMA’S ‘FANCY FOOTWORK’ AND ‘DANCING DIPLOMACY’ (All three networks on Thursday gushed over Barack Obama’s “fancy footwork” and “dancing diplomacy” in Argentina. Two days after a brutal terror attack in Brussels, the President traveled to Buenos Aires for a dinner with the country’s president. Today’s Savannah Guthrie lauded, “Now to that dance making headlines around the world. President Obama doing the tango.” An NBC graphic screamed, “Two to tango!”)

image006DISSIDENTS’ DELIGHT? NEW YORK TIMES HEAPS PRAISE ON OBAMA, ITS MAN IN HAVANA (As President Obama’s three-day Cuba excursion wraps up, the New York Times coverage from Havana took a few shots at the Communist nation’s persecution of dissidents, and the overall authoritarian nature of the regime. But the fawning over Obama’s “remarkable” visit went way over the top, including self-fawning: “Mr. Obama himself marveled aloud at the significance of his trip.” On the last day of Obama’s visit: “Dissidents Praise ‘Closeness and Trust’ After Frank Meeting on Human Rights.”)

image006CBS HITS THE PANIC BUTTON, RAILS AGAINST RELIGIOUS FREEDOM BILLS IN GEORGIA, NORTH CAROLINA (In almost identical fashion to their hysteria concerning the defeat of transgender bathroom bill in Houston from November, Thursday’s CBS Evening News painted quite the doomsday scenario for Georgia and North Carolina over their respective religious freedom bills as the newscast argued they could lead to massive boycotts and the loss of billions of dollars in business.)

image006HANNITY CHIPS AWAY AT CREDIBILITY OF JORGE RAMOS (To hear Jorge Ramos tell it, since launching his candidacy for President back in June 2015, Donald Trump has done nothing but issue a blanket condemnation of unauthorized Mexican immigrants to the U.S. as “criminals, rapists and drug traffickers.Ramos’ chronic misrepresentations and mischaracterizations of what the Republican presidential frontrunner has said on the subject was disected during a Wednesday night appearance by Ramos on Sean Hannity’s FNC show.)

image006MSNBC PUNDIT BLAMES ‘EASE OF GETTING GUNS’ FOR BRUSSELS BOMBING (The knowledge that the terror attacks in Belgium were bombings didn’t stop Atlantic Washington editor Steve Clemons, who phoned into MSNBC on Tuesday morning, from criticizing Belgian gun policy: “It’s so easy to access guns in Belgium than other of the major states in Europe, it’s something that everybody knows here, that there is a black market, that there is an ease of getting guns here. As compared to many other parts of Europe.”)

image006AFTER BELGIUM ATTACKS, NBC WARNS OF ‘RISE OF THE RIGHT WING’ IN EUROPE (During NBC’s breaking news coverage of the terrorist attacks in Belgium Tuesday morning, correspondents Andrea Mitchell and Richard Engel wasted no time warning of the “rise of the right wing” throughout Europe in response to such attacks.)

image006KRAUTHAMMER: OBAMA CURRENTLY ON ‘IDEOLOGICAL HOLIDAY TRIP IN CUBA WHILE THE WORLD BURNS’ (Fox News contributor, frequent Special Report panelist, and syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer was given his own segment on Tuesday night’s Fox News Channel (FNC) show in light of the Islamic terror attacks in Brussels and he used his airtime to berate President Obama for his “ideological holiday trip” to communist Cuba “while the world burns.”)

image006MATTHEWS SUGGESTS OBAMA ‘PHONED IT IN’ TODAY IN RESPONSE TO BRUSSELS BOMBING (President Obama essentially “phoned it in” Tuesday with his lackluster response to the terrorist attacks in Brussels, MSNBC host Chris Matthews suggested on the Tuesday edition of Hardball. “Let’s talk about President Obama’s behavior today,” the usual enthusiastic Obama-backer Matthews said, contending: “The president was off base today.”)

image006MADDOW: OBAMA WILL GO DOWN IN ‘HISTORY’ FOR ‘GETTING IT DONE’ IN CUBA (MSNBC host Rachel Maddow on Monday could barely contain her excitement as she gushed over how Barack Obama will go down in “history” as the Democrat who got Cube “done.” After a long monologue about the communist country’s history with the United State, Maddow thrilled, “And now today, looking at these images of President Obama and his family arriving in Havana, it is almost unbelievable that it’s been nearly 90 years since an American president has set foot in Cuba.”)image003

And Here’s The Latest Poster We Just Receivedimage010 - Copyimage003

 And Those Liberal Lies Will Just Keep On Coming

Expect More Of The Same For The Next 300* Days Until Noon on Inauguration Day When The Nation Can Begin To Undo All The Damage Obama Has Done.

*1,320 if your live in Anderson Townshipimage003image001