Daily Archives: March 26, 2016

Special “Saturday Strategery” E-dition



Now There’s Some Strategery That’s Long Overdue

image004In case you haven’t noticed, Obama and those other so-called World Leaders aren’t doing a very good job of countering the threat of Radical Jihadism, since they keep blaming all those Murdering Muslim Terrorist Attacks on Global Warming and Islamophobia and they can’t even call in by its right name.  No wonder Senator Jeff Sessions (Donald Trump’s Foreign Policy Advisor) says “political correctness is making it impossible for Obama to defeat terrorism.”

image006But let’s face it. Radical Islam is not going to go away. Those murdering bastards are going to be around for a long time, decades at least.

image006And if there are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world and only 1.6 million are suicidal extremists who hate the West and plan to carry out attacks, that’s still a whole lot of fanatics trying to destroy us, so we’d better start bombing the crap out of them pretty soon, or there’ll be too many of them for us to handle.

image006Right now, they’re only using guns and suicide vests, but you can bet their future weapons will be a lot more sophisticated and deadly. They’ll be using chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons against us, unless we do something about it.  

image006Ronald Reagan had a simple strategy for dealing with the Soviet Union: “We win. They Lose.”

image006But today, Obama’s Doofus Secretary of State John Kerry said, “Je suis Bruxellois” and Obama once again condemned the attacks, blah, blah, blah, and claimed the United States would “stand in solidarity” with the terrorists’ victims in Brussels, yada, yada, yada, just like he did after the Paris attacks. No wonder Brussels’ March Against Fear was cancelled over Security Fears.

image006The Blower says surely our so-called leaders should be doing more than offering their “thoughts and prayers” after every attack. And one more thing’s for certain, we sure in hell shouldn’t be promising to admit more refugees.

image006Now let’s watch Trump foreign policy adviser Senator Jeff Sessions going ‘On the Record’ on political correctness and Obama’s and the left’s refusal to say “radical Islam.”

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