Special “Bi-Partisan Bashing” E-dition



Last night in our “Tuesday’s Triumph’s E-dition, The Blower told everybody about how The Fishwrap was promoting Hillary’s Latest Fund-raising Scam, where Dumbed-Down DemocRATS donated their dimes and dollars for a “chance to win” a diner with George Clooney.” 

 image006image004Tonight, with “More of the News They Seem To Lose,” and in the interest of some of that Bipartisan Bashing for which The Blower is well known, we’re alerting everybody to the Republican Party’s Latest Scam, where Republican National Chairweasel Reince Priebus claimed to be “shocked” because our Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane had not yet responded to a previous e-mail from Newt Gingrich (sent out only 15 minutes before) accepting the “opportunity” to send in $35 to become a Sustaining Member of the Republican Party.

“This isn’t just an election. It’s a fight for the heart and soul of our country,” said The Newtster. “If we fail to unite, we will allow America to be run down by leftist extremists, a weak foreign policy, a radical judicial activist on the Supreme Court, and job-killing ideologies … But if we focus on the principles of freedom, prosperity and patriotism that unite us, we will restore America’s standing on the global stage, return to our founding values, unleash American exceptionalism, and give new life to the American dream
Reince claimed this was Kane’ chance to step up for the Republican Party’s future nominee, but what Reince didn’t say was this was Kane’s chance to step up for the Republican Party’s future nominee, “even if he’s Donald Trump.”

image006And since Sean Cairncross, the RNC’s chief operating officer helping to oversee the party’s convention preparations, attended a series of private meetings on Wednesday with top conservative leaders (many of whom are bent on finding a way to stop Donald Trump, going so far as to consider imposing rule changes at the convention that would hamper Trump’s ability to secure the nomination), Reince’s “chance to step up for the Republican Party’s future nominee” sounds like just more Republican Bullshit to us.

image032They still just don’t get it. No wonder Republicans don’t trust the Republican Party these days.image003image001