Daily Archives: March 19, 2016

Special “What’s Right With America” E-dition



Today’s Real American Hero Is Police Officer Allen Jacobs

image004Officer Jacobs was fatally shot Friday afternoon by a known gang member who took his own life.

Officer Jacobs was attempting to serve a warrant at a residence on Rebecca Street around 12:20 p.m. when the suspect — identified as 17-year-old Deontea Perry Mackey — fled, according to The Greenville News.

Officials said that Officer Jacobs’ killer, who was listed in a national police data base as a gang member, led officers on a foot pursuit that went through woods and behind houses before he opened fire, hitting Jacobs multiple times. The 28-year-old officer’s weapon was still holstered and he was wearing a bullet-proof vest when he was shot.

Fellow officers administered CPR and he was transported to Greenville Memorial Hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

The Officer Jacobs’ killer continued running before he was cornered by officers who said they saw him call his mother before he killed himself.

“We lose, we hurt, we ache,” Greenville Police Chief Ken Miller said during a press conference less than an hour after the shooting. “No one wants to lose their officers.”

Jacobs was a decorated veteran of the Iraqi War and leaves behind two young boys and his wife is pregnant.

(Officer Jacobs And His Fellow Brothers-in-Blue Represent What’s Right With America.)
Officer Jacob’s Killer, who like Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown could have been Obama’s Son, was not.image006

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