Daily Archives: March 19, 2016

Official “DemocRAT Talking Points Memo” E-dition



Did you ever wonder where Kneepad Liberals at Your Local TV Stations Get Their Liberal Bias National News Stories?

image004They’re most likely reading their “Official DemocRAT Talking Points Memo” with slanted stories like these from the PoliticusUSA Newsletter:

image007 - Copyimage006HILLARY CLINTON WINS MISSOURI DEMOCRAT PRIMARY: ASSOCIATED PRESS (DemocRAT presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has won the Missouri primary, the Associated Press reported on Thursday, with rival Bernie Sanders conceding the contest.)

image007 - CopyPROTESTS PLANNED FOR TRUMP SPEECH AT PRO-ISRAEL CONFERENCE (Some rabbis and Jewish students are planning protests against Donald Trump’s speech on Monday at a conference of the pro-Israel lobby group AIPAC over what they say are his belittling comments about Muslims and other groups.)

image007 - CopyAL FRANKEN ERUPTS ON REPUBLICANS AND CALLS OUT THEIR ABSURD OBAMA OBSTRUCTION LIES (Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) looked Republicans in the eyes and called out the absurd lies that they are using to obstruct President Obama during a meeting of the Senate Judiciary Committee.)

image007 - CopyOBAMA DID NOT INDICATE PREFERENCE FOR DEMOCRAT CANDIDATE: WHITE HOUSE (President Barack Obama did not specify a candidate preference in the race for the Democrat presidential nomination at a Democrat National Committee fundraising event, White House spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters on Thursday.)

image007 - CopyDEMOCRAT CONGRESSMAN OBLITERATES RICK SNYDER AT FLINT WATER CRISIS HEARING (Democratic Rep. Matt Cartwright (D-PA) obliterated Gov. Rick Snyder for his failure to take responsibility while trying to spread the blame around for the Flint water crisis that he caused.)

image007 - CopyELIZABETH WARREN BLASTS REPUBLICANS FOR INSULTING THE CONSTITUTION AND OBAMA (Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) hammered Republicans today for insulting the Constitution and President Obama by refusing to do their jobs.)

image007 - CopyREPUBLICANS ADMIT THEY WILL CONFIRM OBAMA’S SCOTUS NOMINEE IF THEY LOSE THE ELECTION (Senate Republicans admitted that they are blocking President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee as an election tactic. Some Senators admit that they will confirm Obama’s Supreme Court pick during the lame duck session if they lose the presidential election in November.)

image007 - CopyTRUMP AND HIS ANGRY WHITE BASE WANT REVENGE AGAINST AMERICA (Donald Trump appeals to angry white Americans who want revenge for losing control of society and culture.)

image007 - CopyDAVID DUKE SAYS TRUMP-HITLER COMPARISONS CAN ONLY HELP HITLER’S REPUTATION (“The reason there’s a war on Donald Trump is because there’s a war on the real America, there’s a war on the European-American majority”)image006

image008And Media Research Center Reports (Tracking Liberal Media Bias Since 1996) Reports

image007 - Copy

Bruce Plante Cartoon: Trump rally, Donald J. Trump, Republican Presidential Primary 2016, Republican Party, GOP, RNC, Chicago rally, protesters, Plante 20160315

NETWORKS RUSH TO DEEM GARLAND A ‘MODERATE,’ ABC, NBC AVOID LIBERAL LABEL  (In the first 24 hours after Barack Obama nominated Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court, the big three networks spun the judge as a “moderate” or “centrist” as opposed to a “liberal.” ABC and NBC reporters never called him a liberal, while CBS correspondents used the word just twice (opting for “moderate liberal” twice more). The networks identified Garland as middle-of-the-road nine times.)

image007 - CopyNETS DO OBAMA’S BIDDING, PRESSURE GOP ON COURT NOMINEE (On Thursday, the broadcast networks wasted no time advancing President Obama’s political strategy to force Republicans to confirm his Supreme Court nominee. The NBC, ABC, and CBS morning newscasts were eager to tout “pressure” being brought to bear on GOP senators to make them “pay a price” for opposing Merrick Garland for the high court.)

image007 - CopyCBS TELLS GOP SENATOR: ‘OPTICS’ OF COURT FIGHT ‘LOOK VERY BAD FOR YOUR PARTY’ (On Thursday’s CBS This Morning, co-hosts Gayle King and Norah O’Donnell interrogated Arizona Republican Senator Jeff Flake on his opposition to President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee and predicted political damage for the GOP: “Are you disappointed in the optics of this?…Some of your other colleagues are saying, ‘Look, we’re not even going to meet with you.’ We hear about the Judge’s credentials, his reputation, his record. Are you concerned that the optics of this look very bad for your party?”)

image007 - CopyMSNBC’S MATTHEWS: GOP BLOCKING GARLAND NOMINATION IS RACIAL; ANOTHER ‘BOOT’ TO OBAMA’S FACE (Referring to GOP senators vowing to not hold hearings for President Obama’s nomination of Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court, MSNBC’s Chris Matthews suggested racism may be to blame. “Do you think this is another one of those boots in the face of the president on the racial front?” the Hardball host asked African-American White House correspondent April Ryan on the March 16 edition of the program)

image007 - CopyMSNBC PANEL ATTACKS ERICK ERICKSON FOR LEADING ANTI-TRUMP EFFORT; ‘QUITE THE VULGARIAN’ LIKE TRUMP (On two occasions Thursday night during the opening panel segment of MSNBC’s The Last Word, liberals Charles Pierce of Esquire and MSNBC’s Joy Reid mocked radio talk show host and Resurgent writer Erick Erickson for leading the anti-Donald Trump movement when he himself is “quite the vulgarian” like Trump.)

image007 - CopyCOSTELLO GRIPES ONLY WOMEN VOTERS LABELED, BUT CITED ‘ANGRY WHITE MEN’ LAST WEEK (There was a serious case of selective amnesia induced by liberal bias on Thursday’s CNN Newsroom as host Carol Costello oddly complained about women voters having labels like “soccer moms” and “welfare queens” applied to them while men supposedly escape such labeling. But just barely a week ago on her show, Costello herself asked about “angry white men” supporting Donald Trump.)

image007 - CopyCBS PUSHES ELIZABETH WARREN TO ENDORSE HILLARY CLINTON (In an interview with Elizabeth Warren, CBS This Morning co-host Norah O’Donnell on Thursday pestered the Democratic senator about her lack of an endorsement for Hillary Clinton. “Senator, let me turn to the presidential race in 2016. All of your female Democratic senators have endorsed Senator Hillary Clinton. You have not yet made an endorsement. Will you do it before the convention?” Gayle King plaintively wondered, “What will it take for you to make an endorsement of either candidate? What more do you need to hear?”)

image007 - CopyGREG GUTFELD BLASTS ‘HYPOCRITES’ IN MEDIA FOR SUPPORTING TRUMP: NEVER WAS AN ‘IDEOLOGICAL CONSERVATIVE’ (On Thursday night’s The O’Reilly Factor, host Bill O’Reilly and The Five co-host Greg Gutfeld discussed the fact that conservatives on talk radio are split on whether or not they support Donald Trump. Gutfeld called out some talk radio hosts for being “opportunists” when it comes to supporting the GOP frontrunner, after years of calling people “RINOS” for not being “pure” enough for the party.)image006

And Here Are A Few New Posters We Just Received

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And Those Liberal Lies Will Just Keep On Coming

Expect More Of The Same For The Next 306* Days Until Noon on Inauguration Day When The Nation Can Begin To Undo All The Damage Obama Has Done.

*1,326 if your live in Anderson Townshipimage018image019