Daily Archives: March 18, 2016

Special “President Trump’s Cabinet” E-dition


FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 2016

Gentlemen, Start Your Speculation!

Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen says following Donald Trump’s latest round of primary wins on Tuesday, more Republicans than ever believe he will be their party’s presidential nominee this fall. The latest Rasmussen Reports weekly Trump Change survey finds that 87% of Likely Republican Voters nationwide now think Trump is likely to win the GOP nomination. This is up from 80% last week.

How likely is it? People are already starting to speculate about who’d be in Trump’s Cabinet. We see Cruz and “Little Marco” have been included, even Rob Portman, but not our One-State Wonder John Kasich. Check out LifeZette’s choices HERE!image005image009image010