Daily Archives: March 17, 2016

Special “Scalia Scenario Update” E-dition



Gentlemen, Start Your Hypocrisy!

image004In last night’s “Wednesday Wild Card” E-dition, The Blower reported The Worst President in History wasted more of his time nominating federal Court of Appeals Judge Merrick Garland to US Supreme Court to replace Associate Justice Antonin Scalia, setting off an election-year battle after Republicans said the next president should fill his seat, vowing to block any Obama nominee during the next 309 days until America can begin to undo all the damage Obama has done. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell phoned Obama’s nominee Wednesday afternoon to tell him he would not hold a “perfunctory” meeting with him in person because the Senate will not consider his nomination.

Then The Media Spin Began:

Media Research Center (Tracking Liberal Media Bias Since 1996) Reported:

image007 - Copyimage005NETWORK EVENING NEWSCASTS PAINT GARLAND AS ‘MODERATE,’ PLEAD WITH REPUBLICANS TO CONSIDER HIM (The “big three” networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC on Thursday night insisted President Barack Obama’s latest Supreme Court nominee, Merrick Garland, is nothing but a “moderate” and personally pleaded with Republicans to consider placing him on the Court. While two networks mentioned comments made by Vice President Joe Biden back in 1992 about Court appointments, none of them made light of the President’s support for a filibuster attempt in 2006 against then-Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito.)

image007 - CopyIMMEDIATE MEDIA SPIN: GARLAND IS ‘MODERATE’ PICK THAT WON’T MAKE LIBS ‘HAPPY’ (As anticipated, the immediate and predictable reaction from the liberal media to Barack Obama’s selection of Merrick Garland was to go right to their playbook and sell the anti-gun justice as a “moderate” pick that liberals won’t be “happy” with and only unreasonable GOPers could oppose. ABC’s George Stephanopoulos declared that Garland was “a moderate” that in “any other year” would be seen as a “safe pick.”)

image007 - CopyCNN TOUTS OBAMA’S COURT PICK AS ‘MODERATE,’ NOT ‘NAKEDLY POLITICAL’ (On Wednesday, CNN quickly ran to label President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee, Merrick Garland, as a “moderate” and a “consensus candidate.” Jake Tapper contended that “this seems like a fairly-establishment, moderate pick.” Pamela Brown first responded by underlining that there’s “no doubt about it;” but moments later, she revealed that Judge Garland “may carry on Obama’s legacy when it comes to gun control.” Tapper later claimed the “relatively moderate” Garland is apparently “not a nakedly political pick.”)

image007 - CopyABC, CBS PREEMPTIVELY BOOST OBAMA COURT PICK AS ‘MODERATE’ (Even before President Obama announced D.C. appeals court judge Merrick Garland would be his nominee for the Supreme Court on Wednesday, ABC’s Good Morning America and CBS This Morning both hailed Garland as a “moderate” leading contender for the nod.)

image007 - CopyMSNBC LEGAL ANALYST INSISTS OBAMA SCOTUS PICK A ‘JUDICIAL MINIMALIST’ (Merrick Garland, President Obama’s pick to fill the Supreme Court vacancy left by the death of Antonin Scalia, is “a very careful jurist,” not an ideologue in the least, MSNBC’s chief legal reporter Ari Melber insisted in a brief segment during the 4 p.m. Eastern hour on Wednesday.)

image007 - CopyNBC APPLAUDS OBAMA PUTTING ‘PRESSURE’ ON GOP WITH ‘PERFECT’ COURT PICK (Anchoring an NBC News special report on Wednesday about President Obama nominating federal judge Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court, Today co-host Matt Lauer asked justice correspondent Pete Williams: “Senate Republicans have vowed to block any nomination that comes from the President….what message is the President sending with this pick?”)

image007 - CopyMSNBC WORRIES THAT ‘WHITE MALE’ NOMINEE WON’T ‘FIRE UP’ DEM BASE (As soon as Barack Obama nominated Merrick Garland to replace Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court, the hosts at MSNBC immediately began to wonder if the choice of a “white male” was a mistake. Though making the predictable assertion that Garland was definitely a reasonable “moderate,” journalist Ron Allen worried, “But, there’s going to be a lot of concern about this choice by many people who are Obama supporters, who wanted to see more diversity on the court. This selection is a white male.”)image009

And The “Official DemocRAT Talking Points Memo” Showed Us Slanted Stories Like These:

image007 - Copyimage007REPUBLICANS ARE CAVING SO FAST THEY’RE BACKPEDALING ON OBAMA SCOTUS NOMINEE (“Senator McConnell will cave and President Obama will fill this vacancy this year,” Harry Reid predicted. Mitch McConnell’s House of Obstruction Cards came tumbling down today in quick succession right after President Obama announced his SCOTUS nominee.)

image007 - CopyMITCH MCCONNELL’S OBSTRUCTION FALLS APART AS 8 REPUBLICANS TO MEET WITH SCOTUS NOMINEE (Mitch McConnell’s plan to obstruct President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee, Merrick Garland, by holding no meetings, hearings, or votes is coming closer to collapse as eight Senate Republicans have stated that they will meet with the nominee.)

image007 - CopyMEET OBAMA SUPREME COURT NOMINEE CHIEF JUDGE MERRICK GARLAND (President Obama nominated Chief Judge Garland to fill the vacancy created by Justice Scalia’s death on the Supreme Court. Here is what you need to know about the man who President Obama has nominated to be the next Supreme Court justice.)

image007 - CopyELIZABETH WARREN SHOWS WHY DEMOCRATS RESPECT THE CONSTITUTION MORE THAN REPUBLICANS (While speaking about President Obama’s nomination Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) showed respect for the Constitution that is clearly missing among Senate Republicans.)]

image007 - CopyMITCH MCCONNELL’S SCOTUS NOMINEE BLOCKADE CRUMBLES AS SEN. MARK KIRK BREAKS WITH GOP (In the blink of a Merrick Garland tear in the Rose Garden, the first Senate Republican has already realized he would prefer to avoid the Obama trap. He would very much like to be re-elected, you see.)

image007 - CopyREPUBLICANS SWALLOWED BY TIDAL WAVE OF OUTRAGE AFTER OBAMA PICKS SCOTUS NOMINEE (Moments after a humbled and visibly emotional Judge Merrick Garland introduced himself to the American public from the Rose Garden after an introduction by President Obama, the outrage over Republican obstruction began.)

image007 - CopyPRESIDENT OBAMA SPRINGS HIS SCOTUS TRAP ON REPUBLICANS BY CHOOSING MERRICK GARLAND (By calling the Republican bluff with the nomination of Merrick Garland, President Obama has trapped Senate Republicans in their own obstruction, fed the Senate rebellion, and gave Democrats a key issue for November’s election.)

No Wonder This Morning’s Bernard Goldberg Column Was Titled: “The Debate Over Obama’s Supreme— Cue The Hypocrisy”image009image009image010