Daily Archives: March 15, 2016

Another “Cartoon Wars” E-dition



This Afternoon, As We Get Set To Count The Number of Cruz and Rubio Supporters Who Voted for Ohio Governor John Kasich In His Effort To Stop Donald Trump, The Battle For The Hearts and Minds Of America Rages On, And Our Conservative Cartoonists Continue Their Bombardment.image004image003

More Campaign 2016 Cartoons

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Some of Donald Trump rallies have turned violent and even include reports of journalists being roughed up.

Some of Donald Trump rallies have turned violent and even include reports of journalists being roughed up.

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Hillary Clinton doesn’t want the public focused on the FBI investigation into her emails.

Hillary Clinton doesn’t want the public focused on the FBI investigation into her emails.

image023 The Other Burn image025 image026

Bruce Plante Cartoon: Bernie Sanders the Tubeman, Senator Bernie Sanders, Secretary Hillary Clinton, Democratic Presidential Primary Campaign 2016, Democratic Party, DNC, Plante 20160311

Bruce Plante Cartoon: Bernie Sanders the Tubeman, Senator Bernie Sanders, Secretary Hillary Clinton, Democratic Presidential Primary Campaign 2016, Democratic Party, DNC, Plante 20160311

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Clay Bennett, Chattanooga Times Free Press

Clay Bennett, Chattanooga Times Free Press

image042 CLIMATE CHANGE denier image044 image045 image046 image047 image048 image049image003

Other Editorial Cartoons

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Bruce Plante Cartoon: Iran missile tests and Obama, President Barack Obama, Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu, Iran, United Nations Security Council, Plante 20160313

Bruce Plante Cartoon: Iran missile tests and Obama, President Barack Obama, Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu, Iran, United Nations Security Council, Plante 20160313

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Expect The Battle To Continue For The Next 310* Days Until Noon on Inauguration Day When The Nation Can Begin To Undo All The Damage Obama Has Done.


*1,330 if your live in Anderson Townshipimage003 image009