Daily Archives: March 4, 2016

Special “Meaningless Media Endorsements” E-dition



Still, Parties Who’ve Been Endorsed Rarely Complain

image007 - CopyIn Columbus, members of the Ohio RINO Party Central Committee were high-fivin’ it all over the place this morning when they read today’s 437th e-mail from the Kasich Kampaign, this one congratulating themselves over their latest meaningless endorsement from our Feckless Fishwrappers, who now claim a vote for John Kasich is a vote for an optimistic vision of our country and a roll-up-your-sleeves approach to achieving it. No Kidding!

You know how it went: “The Idiotorial board shares the widespread frustration with years of Washington gridlock, blah, blah, blah.”   “However, throwing a bomb into a traffic jam only makes it worse,” yada, yada, yada.” Now comes the big finish: “What’s needed in the White House is a problem-solver – someone with the expertise and temperament to do the tedious work of democracy.”

image008 - CopyBluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says Kasich’s Meaningless Endorsement for Ohio’s Republican Primary will be every bit as successful swaying public opinion as it was last October, when the Idiotorial Board at The Fishwrap endorsed Disingenuous DemocRAT Jack Conway for Governor, especially after the same Feckless Fishwrappers had endorsed TEA Party Republican Matt Bevin during the Primary Election, and many people were wondering if Matt Bevin’s public support for Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis during The Fishwrap’s Crusade for Same-Sex Sodomy had been the reason.

image009 - CopyAnd you’ve already seen how much good Kasich’s New York Times endorsement has done him.

image004Critics of Meaningless Media Endorsements complain that media outlets should not endorse ANY candidate. They say the Media should just give equal coverage to all sides, and by giving an endorsement, it shows bias and makes it very easy to believe that previous stories have been slanted in favor of the Media’s endorsed candidates. And once a Media Outlet has made a meaningless endorsement, there’s no way it can possibly be depended on to give equal time to reporting both sides of a race. 

image010 - CopyAnd what makes their “informed opinions” so valuable, anyway? It’s like the “Like” button on Facebook.

image012 - CopyThey don’t even realize voting for the lesser of two evils is still voting for “evil.”

image004Before every election, The Whistleblower-Newswire is always deluged with calls, faxes, text messages, and e-mails asking which candidates and issues we plan to endorse. As the official publication for all that scrambling, speculation, mud-slinging, and back-stabbing in the Tri-State, our readers have every right to expect nothing less.

image004image013 - CopyBut the fact that only eleven days before the 2016 Ohio Republican Primary Elections, after all of our penetrating reporting and scathing commentary, there could still be any doubt about which candidates or issues we might cheer or jeer is further tribute to the astounding even-handedness of our always fair-and-balanced journalism.

image004image016 - CopyUnlike the so-called mainstream news media like our Feckless Fishwrappers, whose totally discredited political endorsements by their rubber-stamping idiotirial board and news coverage are so often interchangeable, The Whistleblower continues to present facts, opinions, viewpoints, and analyses on all sides of an issue. On rare occasions we even attempt to use humor or sarcastic satire to make a point. We trust our readers are intelligent enough to come to an informed decision. 

image004And since we never accept advertising, and have no sponsors nor special interests to dictate their extreme prejudices, we wouldn’t insult the Persons of Consequence who are our subscribers by presuming they’re not bright enough and sufficiently critical to evaluate what we’ve presented, along with everything else they’ve seen, read, heard, and smelled so they can make up their own minds.

image004Unfortunately, Whistleblower Readers probably don’t include many those Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span, Free-Stuff Grabbing, Low-Information Obama Supporters Who Put The Positively Worst President in History In The White House—Twice, and get all of their information from our Obama Supporters in the Press, like the ones on Channel 5. Much like dirty words scrawled on the stalls of public bathrooms that serve as directions, those morons need meaningless media endorsements to tell them how to vote.
