Daily Archives: March 2, 2016

Special “Primary Post Mortem” Edition



One of the best parts about publishing The Whistleblower Newswire is checking our e-mail first thing each morning to see some of those politically insightful items we’ve received from our equally politically insightful subscribers. Our readers’ comments are extremely helpful for our analysis and interpretation of today’s important top stories.

image005 - Copy - Copyimage007 - CopyTRUMP TUESDAY RESULTS: Whistleblower Senior National Political Affairs Analyst Britt Humus says Chris Stirewalt at FOX News sees the GOP Nomination Fight rumbling forward at this point, because the Republican Party is getting ready to do something it has never done before. The GOP is either going to nominate a candidate that has run his entire campaign against the party itself or it will unite around the goal of denying that candidate a win. Donald Trump’s Super Tuesday performance was good – certainly good enough that if he was a conventional candidate, he would already be the presumptive nominee. But it wasn’t the knockout that he and his supporters had hoped for. Trump racked up big wins in his strongholds but lost four of 11 contests. More significant than the win/loss record for the night is the delegate count. And in that measure, little changed.

image005 - Copy - CopyIN WASHINGTON, our DC Newsbreaker reports Politico’s Mike Allen says it’s a WAKE-UP CALL: The GOP establishment is now ONE for 15 in this cycle (and the one is liberal Minnesota, Marco Rubio’s sole win). After his Super Tuesday romp, Trump has a 90%-plus image004 - Copychance of winning the nomination. He has more delegates than Cruz and Rubio COMBINED, 10 wins, and big leads in upcoming states. Talk of a brokered convention seems nuts: Imagine the blowback from Trump and his followers if they were denied by a bunch of stuffy rich white dudes behind closed doors. Rubio bombed in his chance to be the alternative. Turns out, doing a cheap impression of Trump’s cheap tricks does not a winner make.

image005 - Copy - CopyIN COLUMBUS, Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders says Ohio TEA Party Guy Tom Zawistowski called out the Republican Establishment, (which includes the donor class, elected and non-elected government employees, and K Street Lobbyist) for showing what he called their “true elitist colors” in their panic over Donald Trump.  Zawistowski said, “This talk about keeping Rubio and Kasich in the race to get to a “brokered convention” where the elite establishment can manipulate the rules and state parties can manipulate the delegates is just suicide for the Republican Party. I have one message for them “Don’t even think about it!” If the establishment uses the convention to deny the will of the people, and force another establishment hack as the nominee, the Republican Convention in Cleveland will look like the 1968 DemocRAT Convention in Chicago and the Republican Party may cease to exist.”

image009image008FROM CROPPER’S CRAPPER: Washington Post says Donald Trump Is ‘GOP’s Frankenstein Monster,’ Strong Enough to Destroy Party….  [See More of Edward Cropper’s Photo Shop Editorial Spoofs on Current Events Here]

image005 - Copy - Copy THE LATEST POLLS: Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen says Donald Trump may still be winning Republican state primaries, but Hillary has now moved ahead of him in a hypothetical presidential matchup. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of Likely U.S. Voters finds that Clinton earns 41% support to Trump’s 36%. The good news for Trump is that one-in-four voters are still up for grabs if the presidential contest comes down to these two, with a sizable 21% who prefer some other candidate at this point and three percent (3%) who are undecided. [READ MORE HERE]

image009NEXT TUESDAY, Mississippi joins Michigan as primary states for both parties. Republicans caucus in Hawaii and hold a primary in Idaho. But Michigan is the prize, and Ohio Governor John Kasich is still wet dreaming for an upset win somewhere and a little momentum ahead of those do-or-die March 15 primaries in Florida, Illinois, Missouri, North Carolina and Ohio, after which, if he doesn’t win, it’ll be Sayonara, Kasich San!  Maybe a commercial like this would help:

image013 image005 - Copy - CopyFINALLY, WITH TODAY’S MUCKRAKER UPDATE, Mr. Muck is wondering who “TaxKiller Tom” Brinkman is really running against.

And this morning all our Muckraker helpers were wondering why they still hadn’t seen any news coverage of Monday night’s Thrilla on The Hilla in Anderson, between State Rep-tile “TaxKiller Tom” Brinkman and his inexperienced opponent running on a tantrum, where some guys there thought she was auditioning to be a Fox News Babe, and the Forgetful Fishwrappers didn’t even show up to cover the event.

Today, Mr. Muck turned over a rock with Carla Wood’s name on it? Word is Brinkman’s opponent works for Carla Wood!  Where?  At a little old school in little old Newtown that apparently is not too good with being open-and-transparent with their own parents, saying “No” to parents seeing enrollment numbers, financial information, how they are governed, etc..  And Carla Wood is an elite Board Member at that little old school. And, what a coincidence, Ms. Wood was permitted to ask the one-and-only question about how “transparency is evil” at the Monday so-called debate to her employee, who claims she is running against Brinkman because “transparency for parents” is a dangerous slippery slope.image011

image019Keep raking, Mr. Muck. This might turn out to be a pretty good story.image003 image001




















e-mail your snitch or bitch today.


Some vengeful items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally vengeful subscribers, but let’s face it, we could always use a lot more.