Daily Archives: December 16, 2015

Another “Political Predictions Update” E-dition



This Week’s Top Five Whistleblower Predictions That Came True

#1 Despite several recent propaganda puff pieces in The Fishwrap, Hamilton County Common Pleas Judge Patrick Dinkelacker refused to dismiss all those trumped up charges against Traci Hunter, and our Convicted-and-Sentenced Black DemocRAT Ex-Juvie Judge’s long-awaited retrial would again proceed.image004

#2 Pete Rose would be “disappointed in MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred’s Manfred’s Decision To Uphold His Lifetime Ban From Major League Baseball, as Award Winning Photo Illustrator Artis Conception Showed Us Yesterday.image005

#3 Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl, for whom Obama eagerly traded five Murdering Muslim Monsters at GITMO to bump his VA Scandal from the political spotlight last June, would finally face a court martial for desertion.image006

#4 Ohio Senator Rob “Fighting for Same Sex Marriage” Portman would be stabbed in back by a Same Sex Sodomite when the lead plaintiff in the landmark lawsuit that led to same sex marriage nationwide endorsed Portman’s Disingenuous DemocRAT Opponent, despite Portman’s ridiculous reversal in favor of same-sex unions.image007

And #5, Ohio Republican Governor John Kasich would come in dead last in the Drudge Report Poll following last night’s 2016 GOP Presidential Candidates Debate in Las Vegas.image009

 More Political Predictions As They Occur.image003image009