Special “CHRISTmas Spirit” E-dition



Scrooge 2015

            image005Last night on CBS’ “60 Minutes,” the Ghost of Teddy Kennedy clanked his chains up to the Monica Lewinsky exhibit at the Clinton Library and Massage Parlor in The Blower’s annual holiday adaptation of Dickens’ classic “A Christmas Carol,” as our country continues to suffer its Cultural Decline, which included Clinton’s dragging our national immorality down to the level of Arkansas, as well as the disastrous Liberal policies of the Obama Administration.

Clinton now says ever since Obama picked Hillary to be in his Cabinet and paid off her humongous campaign debt, Slick Willie espouses the real American values that caused the most Americans in history to elect George Bush president in 2000, including the story we just heard about our old Pants-Dropper-in-Chief trying to hook up with his old mistress Gennifer Flowers, wearing a hoodie as a disguise. We don’t know if his offer also including wearing a condom for the occasion.

FDR is the Ghost of DemocRAT Values Past; Billionaire Bush-basher George Soros is the Ghost of DemocRAT Values Present; Liberal whacko Nancy Pelosi, our former Dimwit DemocRAT Speaker of the House, is ominous as the Ghost of DemocRAT Values Yet to Come; and PMSNBC’s Chris Matthews will warm the heart of your cockles as Tiny Tim, when he says, “God tax us, every one.”

Now we have a picture of Hillary where she really belongs.

Speaking of the CHRISTmas Spirit, The Blower wonders who writes all that PC Copy for the Salvation Army. Take a look at this ad: 

You can make a difference today!

image009The Red Box Campaign shines a light on the many ways The Salvation Army brings joy to struggling families during the holiday season. This includes providing toys, winter coats and meals. Just $65, provides a Red Box Christmas to one family and gives them the lasting hope they need this holiday season. What a wonderful way to kick off a true season of compassion!

 Our Compassionate Conservative particularly liked the line that said “gives them the lasting hope they need this holiday season,” because it’s really FREE STUFF from people who are made to feel guilty that they have worked to have money and can possibly help a family for one day…. Not LASTING HOPE.  Hope goes out the door on December 26, unless that family gets someone off the couch and provides for their family. P.S. every Kroger store has a sign up that they are hiring! 

image011image005Perennial Loony Libertarian Candidate Jim Berns who most recently ran for Mayor of Cincinnati in 2013 will be on the March 15 Primary Ballot in Hamilton County. You’ll never guess what he’s running as or who he’s running against.



Tino DelGato Has A Trio Of Treasures Today

image005image010Bewildered Baseball Fan Tino Delgato says, “The Reds were going to Trade their Closer Aroldis Chapman. In the 1950’s and 1960’s the Kansas City Athletics were the Trading partner for many Major League clubs. Every time the Yankees needed something they traded with the Athletics. Last year 17 former Reds were in the playoffs but on other teams. But this is the same team that traded Frank Robinson, Josh Hamilton, and Christy Mathewson. Go Figure!!!”

image005Troubled TV-watcher Tino Delgato says, “Thank goodness for Cable stations (TNT, TBT, USA, and HBO Etc). They did not interrupt regular programming for the latest OBAMA rhetoric. His useless sermons on the mount screw up those who watch TV via a DVR. His diatribes should ONLY be carried on CNN, PMSNBC et al. Go Figure!!!”

image005 And Troubled Technology Over-Taxed Payer Tino Delgato says, “Let me see if I have this right. The oceans are rising. We have the technology to convert salt water to fresh water. We have the technology to mass produce atomic power plants. We have the ability to move oil and WATER inland to dry areas via the Keystone pipe lines etc. So what is B.O. and the Congress doing? Go Figure!!!”

Letters to the Editor

image005image012A Lifelong Educator from Mt. Lookout we’ll call Bob Williams says, “So the Bengals have their own personal War Cry, known far and wide,  and we fans have a Politically Correct, Wet Blanket, Knit-picking, Pundit Wannabe in our midst who doesn’t like it.

“First of all, I am guessing he doesn’t realize that “Who Dat” probably emerged from the Cajuns of Louisiana.

“Secondly, who cares what this guy thinks? Probably not many people in Bengal-land. What is he, a Steelers fan?

“I suggest he looks up the word picayune, a word familiar to the folks of New Orleans, which aptly describes the topic of his editorial.

image005Conservative Curmudgeon Stu Mahlin adds liked when that guy wrote: “But is it appropriate for a stadium filled with mostly white people (some of whom consume lots of alcohol and paint their bodies black and orange) to chant ‘Who Dey’?”  Stu says, “Like us old farts out here in Algore’s Internet Land who send emails to newspapers and alumni magazines (mine are Dartmouth and Penn/Wharton) and TV networks just about every day, the moron who wrote that guest column should GET A LIFE!”

image005image013Going from bad to diverse, Stu also commented on The Fishwrap’s breathless report about how the Cincinnati’s Caring and Compassionate City Clown-cil banned conversion therapy for young faggots that would impose a $200-a-day fine on a therapist or counselor practicing the therapy that aims to ‘change’ lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, or transgender people from their sexual orientation or gender identity,” even if therapists only treat heterosexuals who have unwanted same-sex attraction.

Part of Anne Saker’s story reads as follows: “City Clown-cil Member Chris Squealback … will propose an ordinance that would impose a $200-a-day fine on a therapist or counselor practicing the therapy that aims to ‘change’ lesbians, gay men, bisexuals or transgender people from their sexual orientation or gender identity.” The city has banned anything but private therapy in Cincinnati. Think about it: Clown-cil Gay Squealback and D-RATS are so politically perverse, anything that might guide a troubled yoof into anything but full-on gay, and would force, in effect, people who actually want help to be normal to drive to, say, Columbus or Louisville for help. 

The next question is how long before everyone will have to affirmatively prove they support gayness, one way or another.

SMLP Smithermouth bloviated so long on the issue Squealback was moaning in pleasure.  SMLP pointed out that his brother is gay, and people shouldn’t knock it unless they have tried it, and if they didn’t like it, shut up and sit down.

 image005image014Finally, Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says Kentucky Republican Congressman Thomas Massie and Republican North Carolina Congressman Walter B. Jones were really trying to stick it to Disgraced Ex-House Speaker John Boehner when they introduced legislation to de-authorize the post-speaker office that retired speakers enjoy for up to five years after they leave office. The practice started in 1971 when former Speaker John McCormack retired. In the past 44 years, the perk has grown to include office allowances, franking privileges, and staff help for the former speaker. Former Speaker Dennis Hastert spent $1.9 million in taxpayer money running his post-speaker office. Meanwhile, he was making big money as a Washington, DC lobbyist and had the disposable income to pay $1.7 million to someone who was blackmailing him over allegedly molesting young boys. “It is ridiculous that a former speaker needs 5 years and millions of over-taxed payers’ dollars to maintain an office in the Capitol building,” said Congressman Jones. “They are no longer a member of Congress. Upon leaving office, former speakers have access to many perks and opportunities, including government pensions, book deals, lobbying, speaking engagements, and consulting. If they want an office, they can pay for it themselves. We need to cut this unnecessary taxpayer-funded perk and deal with our $18 trillion debt.” “I’m confident that when we get this legislation to the floor, every member of Congress will vote with us to eliminate this waste of over-taxed payers’ dollars,” Massie said.
