Special “Saturday Strategery” E-dition



We Come to Bury Boehner, Not To Praise Him!

image004Yesterday at the Conservative Agenda, Political Insiders were congratulating Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane about last week’s “Saturday Strategery” E-dition that turned out to be slightly prophetic when The Blower complained about the Failed Republican Leadership in Congress, asking if RINO Congressional Leaders John Boehner and Bitch McConnell had finally become big targets on the 2016 campaign trail?

Last week Kane explained: “That would be long overdue, because both Boehner and McConnell ran for reelection in 2014 promising to advance the Conservative Agenda in Congress, and since the 2014 Election, they’ve caved into Obama and the Disingenuous DemocRATS every chance they’ve gotten.”

Boehner obviously got the message. He said he wanted to avoid doing “irreparable harm to Congress,” but he’s already done that. Inside sources say he wanted to avoid winning the [Speaker reelection] vote with help from the Nancy Pelosi and her Disingenuous DemocRATS. That would have weakened him even further going forward. Also, his core supporters did not want the have the fight and win but end up weak and divided. It was all about fear of being a weak Speaker depending on D-RATS to hold his spot.”

Now Let’s Look At The Reaction From Some of the 2016 Republican Presidential Candidates Who Were Speaking At The Socially Conservative Values Voters Summit in Washington DC.

First, there were strong Conservative Responses

image006image005MARCO RUBIO said: Just a few minutes ago Speaker Boehner announced that he will be resigning.  And with all due respect to people that serve in government – it is important at this moment with respect to him and the service that he’s provided to our country – it’s not about him or anybody else. And I’m not here today to bash anyone. But the time has come to turn the page. The time has come to turn the page and allow a new generation of leadership in this country.

image006TED CRUZ said: “If it is correct that the speaker, before he resigns, has cut a deal with Nancy Pelosi to fund the Obama administration for the rest of its tenure — to fund ObamaCare, to fund executive amnesty, to fund Planned Parenthood, to fund implementation of this Iran deal — and then presumably to land in a cushy K Street job, after joining with the DemocRATS to implement all of President Obama’s priorities, that is not the behavior one would expect of a Republican speaker of the House.”

image006DONALD TRUMP said: “But we’re going to have a very interesting period of time. And maybe it starts today, because Speaker Boehner – you know, some people like him on a personal basis. Do people like him on a personal basis? Anybody? You know, we want to see – we want to see the job being done properly. We want to see – we want people that are going to get it done.”

Then Came Wussie Responses and Outright Apologies From Our RINO Candidates

image006image007JEB BUSH said: “John Boehner dedicated his life to public service. Bringing the Holy Father to Congress was a fitting cap to a great career.”

image006CHRIS CHRISTIE tweeted: “I admire @SpeakerBoehner for his dedication and service to this country. He’s a good man and I wish him well.”

image006JOHN KASICH said: “Ohio and America are stronger today because of John Boehner.  I’m proud that he’s my friend and that I served with him during a time of tremendous transformation and growth for our nation.  He led ably then and as speaker later because he listened to different views, respected the institution, and most important, respected the American people.  He grew up humbly, overcame big obstacles to pull himself up by his bootstraps and never forgot where he came from.  He leaves a legacy of unparalleled integrity and steady, mature leadership during difficult times that will be a model for future speakers and anyone interested in public service.”

image006RICK SANTORIUM said: “We just had someone step down today who, in my opinion, changed a bit and it’s probably time for him to have stepped down to start a new chapter here in Washington, D.C.”

image006LINSEY GRAHAM: “I appreciate John Boehner’s service to our nation and his time as Speaker of the House of Representatives.  I’ve known him for twenty years and he has always tried to bring about change in the best interests of our nation and party.  He is a solid conservative who understands the responsibility which comes from governing.  I wish him well.  He will always have my respect and admiration.”

The Next Big Step for the Conservative Agenda will be to find a Real Conservative to replace Boehner as Speaker of the House and then do the same thing in the U.S. Senate by getting rid of Bitch McConnell.image014image015