Just Another “Guest Column” E-dition

Just another Guest Column


Politicizing the Papacy

image006Republican House Speaker John Boehner had worked to organize a papal visit to Congress for twenty years during his long political career in the House of Representatives, and that effort finally reached its successful conclusion with Pope Francis’ visit yesterday.

Unfortunately, it’s a well-known fact that sometimes emotions get the better of Boehner and Thursday morning while Pope Francis was addressing a joint session of Congress, the floodgates opened again — and it didn’t take long. As soon as Francis started speaking, Boehner was in full “keep it together” mode.

Boehner wasn’t the only one to embarrass America during the Pope’s Sermon on the Hill. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Buzzy Ginsberg fell asleep during the speech.  

The Pope’s Speech to Congress should have been important to the nation, but the way politicians politicized every aspect of the occasion and the news media hyped event, it was just one more meaningless moment during the Age of Obama that will not have changed a thing.image014

 Now Let’s Meet Today’s Guest Editor:

        image008Why, it’s none other than our good friend Father Guido Sarducci, the celebrated gossip columnist and rock critic for the Vatican newspaper L’Osservatore. Father Sarducci has been covering Pope Francis on his trip to America and promised to share some of the Holy Father’s favorite jokes with us at lunch today.

Meanwhile, as this week’s guest editor, Father Sarducci will choosing three Papal Visit Items plus a Papal Visit Quickie for today’s E-dition from our Current Cadre of Conservative Columnists and Contributors that you probably won’t see reported in your Morning Fishwrap.image014

 Why the Pope’s Visit to Congress Should Terrify Conservatives

by Stephen Herreid

image009Last year, House Speaker John Boehner joined forces with DemocRAT Leader Nancy Pelosi to invite Pope Francis to address Congress at next September’s joint meeting. In their announcements, Boehner and Pelosi praised the Holy Father’s message of “compassion” and “mercy” for the “needy” and the “disadvantaged.”

That message is precisely why conservatives should dread the pope’s upcoming visit. The language of “compassion” is a weapon of choice for advocates of the welfare state, the growth of a government increasingly intolerant of religious liberty, and even abortion-on-demand. Pope Francis, whether knowingly or inadvertently, plays right into that game.

It’s because of his “compassion” that he opts for liberal immigration policies. Last year he joined American bishops in smearing opponents of President Barack Obama’s amnesty as “racist and xenophobic.” More recently, Pope Francis even expressed a desire to enter the U.S. via the Mexican border on his way to addressing Congress in September, musing that such an entrance would be “a beautiful gesture of brotherhood and support for immigrants.” [READ MORE HERE]

 DemocRATS hopeful pope’s visit will end climate change denial in Congress

By Suzanne Goldenberg and Dan Roberts

 image010Pope Francis’ arrival in Washington on Tuesday has reinforced hopes that one of the last great bastions of climate change denial – the US Congress – may be on the verge of crumbling.

As the pope touched down in the US from Cuba, DemocRAT leaders in Congress and environmental campaigners were optimistic that Francis would keep the focus on his core themes of the global economic order, poverty and environmental degradation over the next six days, and so widen the emerging fractures in the Republican wall of denial.

Republicans, meanwhile, remained wary, and expressed hope that the pope would steer clear of controversial issues on his first visit to the US[READ MORE HERE]image014

Pope Francis Will Enter Hostile Republican Territory When He Visits Congress  

By: Rmuse

image012Many pundits have noted that if biblical Jesus ever appeared in America preaching from the Gospels to care for the poor, obey the government, pay taxes, and protect the environment, TEA-baggers, Republicans, and sundry conservatives would seize and crucify him on the spot with extreme prejudice. However, if “Republican Jesus” showed up with an AR-15 strapped across his back and a battalion of white armed militiamen in tow to kill people of color, take food away from children and the elderly, and slaughter poor people seeking medical care conservatives would welcome him with open arms and proclaim him god almighty. Fortunately neither of those mythological characters are ever going to show up in America, but next week Jesus Christ’s representative on Earth is coming to Washington and he will be preaching like biblical Jesus to angry Republicans who have quietly waged a war on the Pope. One hopes the White House has arranged very robust security for the Pontiff when he visits Washington D.C. because he will be entering hostile territory and be met by very angry enemy combatants in the Koch Congress. [READ MORE HERE]image014 And a Quickie

Liberal Religious Scholar Weighs In On Papal Visit To Congress



Today’s Liberal Liar Award

 image014NBC’s resident Catholic pundit Maria Shriver proclaimed on PMSNBC on Wednesday afternoon that Pope Francis has now made it possible to enter a Catholic church without it being “kind of embarrassing.”

This is someone who might feel it “kind of embarrassing” that Grandpa had her Aunt Rosemary lobotomized, or that her movie-star husband had affairs (and a child) with the household help. She was telling all this to Brian Williams – the freshest embarrassment of NBC News.image014

Stories We’re Working On

POPE’S Laundry List Of Left-Wing Social Issues
VATICAN’S Strict Immigration Policy
POPE’S Cherubic Child Moment Staged
GOP Already Being Blamed For Government Shutdown
MAJORITY OF AMERICANS Wouldn’t Vote For Muslim President

image014 Whistleblower Web Poll

image018This week, here’s why the first 17,648 Whistleblower Readers Poll respondents said you should never believe media polls:
(A) Rigged questions: 2%
(B) Paid-off pollsters: 1%
(C) Hand-picked respondents: 1%
(D) Liberal Media Bias: 96%

image019Note: Everything we write doesn’t have to be so damn cynical and mean-spirited, it’s just so much more fun that way!


Weekly Whistleblower Limerick Contest

Playoff Pressures
image020This week, everybody who doesn’t have to wonder what that giant sucking sound coming from Mediocre American Ball Park is, e-mailed an entry to the Whistleblower Limerick Contest.

The winner is long-time Cincinnati Reds fan Farley Fairweather, who remembers when baseball players cared about the game, instead of just their fat paychecks. Farley wins a pennant from 1919, when the Reds won their first World Series, but only because the Chicago Black Sox threw the games; 477 marked-down sweatshirts from the Reds Over-priced Apparel and Merchandise Store, and his name entered in the lottery of people who may be picked to mortgage their houses so they can buy a ticket to next year’s All Star Game in Cincinnati. His winning limerick is:

When the Reds didn’t clinch the pennant this year
And we are all crying in our beer
We saw it was tough
When we said, “not close enough,”
And then we all hoped for next year.

Whistleblower Senior Spoiled Sports Editor Andy FurBall writes
When the Reds didn’t clinch the pennant this year
We’d all hoped they‘d gotten it in gear
But pitchers gave games away
And hitters forgot how to play,
It’ll be no more post-season for us, I fear.

And from the Anderson Laureate (who now knows why his poetic license is being revoked):
When the Reds didn’t clinch the pennant this year
What a shame the Old Left-Hander wasn’t here.
Ol’ Joe and Marty
Made each game a party
And now Nux is in heaven having a beer.

The first line of next week’s limerick is:
“It’s only about four more weeks till Elections”image014

Papal Visit Hot Line

E-mail your favorite Pope Jokes today

Some Mackerel-Snapping items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally Mackerel-Snapping subscribers.image014

Whistleblower Video of the Day

John Boehner Baby Won’t Stop Crying

  image019 Note: We guarantee iPhone subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.image014

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