Special “Saturday Strategery” E-dition



Just More Complaining About Failed Republican Leadership in Congress

image005Yesterday at the Conservative Agenda, Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane if RINO Congressional Leaders John Boehner and Bitch McConnell had finally become big targets on the 2016 campaign trail?

“That would be long overdue,” Kane explained. “Both Boehner and McConnell ran for reelection in 2014 promising to advance the Conservative Agenda in Congress, and since the 2014 Election, they’ve caved into Obama and the Disingenuous DemocRATS every chance they’ve gotten.”

Boehner and McConnell have faced these attacks for years from grassroots activists, according to the Wall Street Journal, but now these complaints are coming from the political heights of the presidential campaign as well. Sen. Ted Cruz, one of the most anti-establishment candidates in the field, has taken the lead in criticizing the GOP leaders. Even some of the more establishment-oriented candidates like New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie have heaped blame on them.

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, speaking during the GOP presidential debate Wednesday night, complained that Congress hadn’t passed legislation to repeal the “ObamaCare” health-care law, defund Planned Parenthood, or block the Iran nuclear deal. We won the Senate. We won the House,” Jindal said in the debate among second-tier presidential candidates at the Ronald Reagan Library and Foundation in Simi Valley, California. “What was the point of winning those chambers if we’re not going to do anything with them?”

Some Conservatives think that such frustration is contributing to the rise of real-estate developer and reality-television celebrity Donald Trump. “Rank-and-file Republicans are turning to The Donald because he, unlike the party establishment, seems energetic, articulate, and determined to get something done,” John M. Ellis, an emeritus professor at the University of California at Santa Cruz recently wrote in The American Thinker, an online publication.

That is why Senator Lindsey Graham, another presidential candidate, snapped at Jindal’s criticism of congressional Republicans in Wednesday’s debate. “I’m tired of telling people things they want to hear that I know we can’t do,” said Graham. “If you want to repeal ObamaCare, get a new president.”

Conservatives’ frustration with Boehner has grown to the point that the Capitol is abuzz with speculation that his hold on the speakership may be challenged later this year. He, too, may be a victim of overblown expectations as he tries to manage a GOP caucus split between very ideological and more pragmatic members. “Boehner has a near impossible job,” said Michael Genovese, a political scientist at Loyola Marymount University. “Boehner makes a good target because he is herding cats, when some people want results.”

The Blower says everything in that entire Wall Street Journal story sounds like more talk and no action by our RINOs in Congress.image009image010