Special “Republican Rehash” E-dition



Snoozefest in Simi Valley

The Blower was really right about last night’s CNN “Attack on the Republican Party.” Three hours was much too long, even for Republicans who were interested in what the candidates had to say; eleven candidates on stage at one time were way too many; and it was “Not Really a Debate.”

image006CNN’s Trump Thump strategy failed miserably. Ohio Governor John Kasich lurched so far to the Left he’ll probably wind up back in the lower tier for the next “Not Really a Debate” in Colorado on October 28. No wonder Charles Krauthammer said tonight was like the World Wrestling Federation without the entertainment. It was hard to imagine an audience staying with it for the full five hours, if you counted the preliminary event at 6 PM.

image006Results of the Exclusive Whistleblower Poll: Outsiders (Trump, Fiorina, and Carson) Got 79% of The Vote

Last night, The Blower plagiarized an urgent national online poll about the CNN “Attack on the Republican Party” and will provide the results of this poll to major outlets. Results will also be shared with popular radio talk-show hosts across America.

TRUMP: 59% (131,887 votes)

FIORINA: 15% (34,601 votes)

CRUZ: 6% (13,244 votes)

PAUL: 5% (12,205 votes)

RUBIO: 5% (10,644 votes)

CARSON: 5% (10,393 votes)

KASICH: 1% (2,699 votes)

BUSH: 1% (2,658 votes)

CHRISTIE: 1% (2,531 votes)

WALKER: 1% (1,862 votes)

HUCKABEE: 1% (1,312 votes)

224,036 Total Votes

image006Obviously, this format would have been more entertaining.

image006Then there was Donald Trump’s call to Hillary before her “Tonight Show” appearance.
