Special “Cha-Ching in Cincinnati” E-dition



Now You Can Just Chalk It Up As Another Accurate Whistleblower Prediction

image017First, “JayWalking Joe” Deters indicted White Ex UC Police Officer Ray Tensing as a “murderer” for shooting Black lawbreaker Sam DuBose at the Hamilton County Prosecutor’s over the top press conference.

image017Next, when Kneepad Liberals in the Press made Black lawbreaker DuBose out to be something he’s not, our Feckless Fishwrappers even called him “a family-minded, fun-loving father.”

image017Then, #BlackLiesMatters found another reason to rally. image004

image017Parasitic Pastors extorted UC to see what was in it for them.

image017Avaricious Attorneys enter the case.

image017And now DuBose’s “parents” are fighting over who should administer their dead son’s “estate.”

image006Isn’t this just what you would expect during the Devolution of America in the Age of Obama? Shouldn’t those big dollar signs help soothe the mourning “family’s” grief, since Sam was such a great family man and model father to all dem babies?  It may even help the attorneys settle their little quibble and avoid any further inappropriate behavior in the future.

Trial-Watching Troublemaker Tino Delgato says a soon to be released Dubose Report should show that a drug dealer and illegitimate baby maker was taken off the streets. His 13 kids will share in the civil suit, not to mention eternal government entitlements. There may be more “family” coming out of the wood work for this suit. The great mystery to some is why DuBose fled the scene. He had $2,600 in cash and a decent amount (>pound) of marijuana. IF he stays he maybe gets a reprimand for no front license plate. He did not have his driver’s license and told officer Tensing he was driving his wife’s car. We later find out he has a fiancé to boot. Maybe her car has a front license plate. This tragedy was avoidable for sure; all Dubose had to do was NOT try to escape. Go Figure!!!
