Special “Liberal Agenda Update” E-dition


TUESDAY, JULY 28, 2015

More Perverse Political Priorities

image006image004With only nine more days until the First 2016 Republican Presidential Candidates Debate in Cleveland on August 6, we haven’t heard nearly enough from the 16+ Candidates about Baby Killers at Planned Parenthood using Partial-Birth Abortions to Sell Dead Baby Parts.

That’s why The Blower was glad to see Brietbart reporting Sarah Palin pulling no punches when she called for defunding Planned Parenthood on Sunday, pointing out that it was Planned Parenthood, not the Confederate flag, that killed 90,000 black babies in 2014.

In a Facebook status update, Palin posted a picture of the Confederate flag next to the Planned Parenthood logo, then asked, “Which symbol killed 90,000 black babies last year? The answer was #Defund Planned Parenthood.” By Monday, the post had garnered almost 111,000 likes and 59,000 shares.

Palin has consistently updated her Facebook page following the revelation that Planned Parenthood executives confessed selling fetal body parts out loud and on tape.

Planned Parenthood receives roughly $500 million in government funding every year, although federal funding is barred from paying for abortions. Planned Parenthood performed 327,000 abortions in 2014.

image006And that was even before that Third Planned Parenthood Video was released Tuesday morning, showing prices for Dead Babies Offered on Butcher-Shop Like Menu. That video features a whistleblower who says her biomedical company would compensate Planned Parenthood clinics for fetal organs based on their condition and quality after being extracted from an abortion.

“It is becoming clear that trafficking in aborted baby body parts is not an isolated incident within Planned Parenthood,” said Paula Westwood, Executive Director, Right to Life of Greater Cincinnati. “Every abortion-providing Planned Parenthood affiliate requires intense government investigation in light of these revelations.”

image006So far, The Blower hasn’t seen a lot of news coverage of Right to Life’s #WomenBetrayed Rally in front of the Southwest Ohio Planned Parenthood Office at 2314 Auburn Avenue, in Cincinnati on Tuesday.


But that’s understandable, since the Liberal Agenda Fishwrap needed four reporters (Chris Graves, Patrick Brennan, Sharon Coolidge, and Rebecca Butts) to cover the Kneepad Liberal Orchestrated Funeral for Samuel DuBose that included #BlackLivesDon’tMeanCrap activist protesters (the same fine folks who’ve promised to shut down the Republican Convention in Cleveland), because according to The Liberal Agenda, the death of one Black man killed by a White Police Officer is more important than the 90,000 Black babies who were murdered by Planned Parenthood in 2014.image015image021