Special “Republican Debate Update” E-dition


FRIDAY, JULY 24, 2015

Here’s How to Watch The Debate for Free

image010image004In Columbus, Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders says Real Republicans all over Ohio are watching the Official Whistleblower Counter clicking off the days, hours, minutes, and seconds until the first GOP Presidential Debate at 9PM on August 6 in Cleveland, and wondering how they too can attend.

image010Ohio RINO Party Boss Matt Borges has even launched a ticket application process for members of the public to apply for the chance to receive tickets. “We are extremely excited and honored to host the first Republican Presidential Primary Debate in Cleveland,” Borges said. “While demand for tickets will easily outnumber available seats, it is our goal to have as many people as possible attend the debate at Quicken Loans Arena on August 6. It will be a great event for Cleveland and for our country as we look to move forward from the Obama Administration.”

image010image005Down at Hamilton County RINO Party Headquarters, Party Boss Alex T. Mall Cop GOP said you and a guest could witness the First GOP Presidential Debate, but you’d have to give them lots of money first.

Alex will also be hosting a Debate Watching Party fundraiser at the University Club with a cash bar and appetizers for only $20, but starting at 7 PM, but we’re not sure if it would include the earlier Wild Card Debate for Second Tier Candidates who didn’t make the cut for the Top Nine Candidates to Debate Donald Trump, where Ohio Republican Governor John Kasich may be included.

image010At yesterday’s Meeting of the Conservative Agenda, Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane if there was any way Republicans hereabouts could see the first GOP Presidential Debate at 9PM on August 6 without driving to Cleveland or making another donation to a group of money-grubbing politicians. “There is one way,” Kane explained. “Anyone interested could simply turn on his TV and watch it for free. And you don’t even need to pay for Basic Cable to do that.” 

image010And would you look at this? Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen says RealClearPolitics Election 2016 Presidential Polls currently shows the Favorite Son Candidate from the Great State of Ohio now tied for tenth place with the Favorite Son Candidate from the Great State of Texas at a whopping 1.8%. And you thought Kasich would never be included in the Top Tier. Members of Kasich’s Kadre have been chanting “We’re Number Ten!” all week.

