Special “National Crime Wave” E-dition

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Wednesday, May 27, 2015

And Obama’s Summer of Violence Has Hardly Begun!

image004image004Obama’s anti-police policies and race-baiting rhetoric are already beginning to pay off. Thugs are attacking cops and terrorizing major cities, Black-on-Black Violence is breaking out all over, and we are witnessing a National Crime Wave.

image004According to Investors.com, Law Enforcement expects to see a lot more criminal activity over the summer. The disturbing trend in May includes the deadliest month Baltimore has seen in more than 15 years; and any time Baltimore officers respond to calls on the city’s west side, scene of the Freddie Gray riots, as many as 50 people threaten them.

image006Called “racists,” officers’ morale is in the sewer. Cops fear for their safety and worry about being unfairly accused of using excessive force against black criminals. New York’s liberal mayor is even calling for “amnesty” for criminals with outstanding warrants, on recommendation from Obama’s police reform task force, which also urges police to “de-escalate and retreat” when trying to arrest violent offenders. Obama, meanwhile, has unilaterally disarmed local police by banning military-style antiriot gear. This is a recipe for the national crime wave that was predicted in January 2009. Then, editorials said “Obama may have to deal with a crime wave the likes of which we haven’t seen in decades,” thanks to his soft-on-crime urban policies. Regrettably, crime was an issue left undebated during the last two presidential races. It should move front and center this campaign.

image004Breitbart even reports two Baltimore residents stated that they believed the police in the city are not doing their jobs in interviews broadcast on Tuesday’s “The Lead” on CNN.

image004And did you see where Obama’s Ferguson and Baltimore Looters who thought they were being paid $5,000 to spread the revolution, are now protesting that they haven’t been paid? Any day, we’re expecting to see Obama signing an Executive Order renaming “Looters” to “Undocumented Shoppers.”

image004image007In Cincinnati, Obama’s Racist Black Attorney General Loretta Lynchmob (replacing Obama’s Resigned-in-Disgrace Racist Black Attorney General Eric Holder) came to town scouting locations for future riots. It’s all part of Obama’s Divisive Racial Policy, falsely claiming to be an attempt to reform policing practices and improve frayed relations between law enforcement agencies and the minority community.

Maybe the Justice Department saw Cincinnati’s Black City Police Chief Jeffrey Blackwell (nicknamed “The Ghost” at CPD), appearing on CNN’s “Newsroom” program less than 24 hours after about all of 300 people gathered outside the Hamilton County Courthouse for this month’s media-orchestrated #BlackLivesDon’tMeanCrap protest in Downtown Cincinnati so The Fishwrap could call it a “REBELLION.” Blackwell said, “The nation is speaking very loudly to us for us to change,” which was exactly the slanted quote CNN was looking for to support its Liberal narrative.

image004Local Obama Supporters in the Press couldn’t stop whining when Racist White Protesters (including a white supremacist from Northern Kentucky) disrupted a meeting of Racist Black Ministers planning to use media coverage of the upcoming All-Star Game in Cincinnati for more #BlackLivesDon’tMeanCrap Protests.

 Race-Baiting Minister Bobby Hinton, who vowed in March to use the All-Star Game spotlight to draw attention to the continuing prosecution of Disgraced Former Juvenile Court Judge Tracie Hunter in Cincinnati, won last week’s Liberal Liar Award when he claimed, “We’re asking Major League Baseball to stand with us.”

image010On Memorial Day, they tried to get people to sign a letter urging MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred to agree with their demands for more publicity.

image004On Tuesday, the City of Cleveland surrendered to Obama’s Justice Department when it agreed to put that City’s 1,500-member department under an independent monitor. This is an enormous settlement agreement that will be nearly, if not, impossible to satisfy under any single administration.  Changes in leadership will hamper Cleveland’s effort and undoubtedly, cripple any real progress as they move through political elections.  The Blower bets they’re locked in for 10 years and $75-100M!

image004image011Tuesday in Cincinnati, it was breaking news on TV when I-75 was closed down for a while after a couple of shooters opened fire on another car and several others on the expressway in Lockland.

image004Not nearly so newsworthy, 15-year-old Nathaniel Scott Jr. was killed after being shot in broad daylight just blocks away from the location of a May 8 double shooting in East Walnut Hills, and on Wednesday, there were no Rhymin’ Reverends in sight, and The Blower doesn’t expect to see another #BlackLivesDon’tMeanCrap protest. After all, Nathaniel wasn’t murdered by a racist white policeman. So what profit would there be in protesting that shooting?  

More Racial Healing Stories Laterimage016image006