Special “Memorial Day Weekend Marathon” E-dition

Header-May 23 Memorial Day Marathon

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Disrespecting Our Flag Is An Insult To America 

image004Most of you probably remember the ice bucket challenge. It was fun, it brought awareness to the cause and it raised a whole bunch of money. Well it looks like there is a new sick challenge going on now. It’s called the American Flag Challenge.

Instead of getting freezing water dumped on you, this new challenge has you disrespecting the American flag by dancing on it, stomping on it or just walking all over it. To me this is disgusting and makes a mockery of our country, our veterans, our citizens and the freedom that it represents.

Oh, OK, I do understand free speech but I also have seen some of the consequences of exercising that right especially in front of veterans who have defended this country or family members of those that lost their lives doing the same. The freedoms that this country was built on just keep disappearing with no end in sight. I am not sure if patriotism is even being taught anymore. During a parade when the American flag passes by many guys don’t even remove their hats. Maybe they don’t know that they are supposed to. You can bet that the veterans and their families know what to do. Instead, today we have to be sure that we are not insensitive to the many cultures and beliefs that over the years have come to the forefront. You can see for yourself the result that this is having on our country and its citizens.

Monday is Memorial Day and it is a day to remember those that died while serving in the armed forces. It is not to be confused with Veteran’s Day, which recognizes all that have ever served. There are many from this area that lost their lives while they were called to duty to defend our country. Those that served are also one of the reasons that we are still a free country.

Many of us have family and friends that we will remember this Memorial Day that put it all on the line. They may have been drafted or signed up to serve our country. In any event they did it and we should be very grateful for the sacrifice that they made. Their job was to defend this country and the flag that represents freedom. As this new challenge continues to gain momentum and the flag continues to be disrespected I would say this to those that have accepted this challenge – maybe instead of doing the moonwalk on our flag you should take a walk through one of the many cemeteries and have a look at the markers that show the names of those whose lives have been lost in defense of our freedom.

This is not something to laugh or dance about. It is a time to reflect on what each of them did and went through for us. I salute each and every one of those brave men and women for their service and I pray for those that are currently serving to keep us free.

I think in closing it would do our heart good this Memorial Day to listen to Lee Greenwood’s song, God Bless the USA.


 Some People Still Don’t Remember

image004image007This Memorial Day, Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen says Voters are more convinced that the radical Islamic State group (ISIS) is winning the war in Iraq but are less enthusiastic than ever about sending U.S. troops back into action to do something about it. This year Obama even went golfing after hearing the stunning news that ISIS had seized Ramadi. America  paid a terrible price to secure Anbar province from terrorists.  Between April of 2004 and September of 2007, 1,335 Americans and nearly 9,000 Iraqis died in the battle for Fallujah and Ramadi. But by 2008, the battle had been won — and liberated Iraqi citizens could again walk the streets without fear. Now Ramadi and Fallujah are back in the hands of terrorists.

Friday’s Presidential Tracking Poll showed that although 53% of U.S. Likely U.S. Voters disapprove of Obama’s job performance, 46% still approve, which only proves what The Blower has been saying about  all those Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span, Free-Stuff Grabbing, Low-Information Obama Supporters Who Put Obama In The White House—Twice, and get all of their information from our Obama Supporters in the Press.

image004benghazi-liarsThe Blower can hardly wait to hear Obama’s phony patriotic Memorial Day message telling all Americans to honor our fallen troops, except the Americans he and Hillary left to die in Benghazi, whom he’d like you to forget, too.

Everybody’s wondering if Obama, who’s sent thousands of troops into war in Afghanistan, would once again be MIA for the traditional Memorial Day event at Arlington National Cemetery. Obama Supporters in the Press call dead soldiers “Political Props.” Do you think the troops are starting to miss George Bush yet?

Further insulting our nation’s fallen heroes, only three years ago Obama e-mailed supporters, asking them to add their names to a list of people who proudly stand with Obama to allow gays and lesbians to serve openly in the military. Whistleblower Alternative Life-style Contributors Ben Dover and Phil McKrevis were hoping after he was re-elected, he’d go to Key West on Memorial Day to lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Homosexual.

image004image009This year, The Blower reports, Obama’s VA SCANDAL SPOTLIGHTS OBAMA’S INACTION. You pick: Benghazi, IRS, ObamaCare, the VA… Obama’s ineffectual leadership and mismanagement and the administration’s scandals paint the same picture: a surprised, reactionary White House that didn’t know, quick with rhetorical outrage and meek in response and accountability. Last year the Senate unanimously approved Obama’s choice of ex P&G CEO Robert MacDonald to straighten out the scandal-plagued Veterans Administration, and today Veterans are still being mistreated and dying in mismanaged VA hospitals.

image004The Blower remembers when local Demo-Labor Party bosses e-mailed phony Memorial Day messages that began with:

As we approach this Memorial Day, please remember that its real purpose was to pause to give thanks and honor to those who have sacrificed their lives for our county. Some were Democrats, some were Republicans, some were independents or members of other political parties, but they all fought and died so that we may continue to enjoy our democracy.

Damn! You can’t get much more non-partisan than that. (Except you know they didn’t really mean it.)  

image004The Blower also remembers the Chairman’s Memorial Day Blog at Hamilton County RINO Party Headquarters. Old Blue-face was waxing poetic about whether the guy who won “American Idol” was really a Republican. What else can you expect from a guy whose blog is this far out of date?

image004image013As former Vice President Dick Cheney so effectively pointed out, September 11 showed us Freedom is not free. Millions of Americans have been killed, wounded, or are still missing, giving their lives during our country’s history, serving our nation in our armed forces. Without their selfless sacrifices, our nation and the freedoms we too often take for granted would not exist.

image004Now The Blower says on Memorial Day we should check which color the alert is, honor our heroes, and remember when Ronald Reagan said Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”  


A Reminder About Freedom from Ronald Reagan

More Conservative Memorial Day Cartoons


More Patriotic Commentary Later
