Special “Too Close to Call” E-dition

Header-May 21

One of the best parts about publishing The Whistleblower Newswire is checking our e-mail first thing each morning to see some of those politically insightful items we’ve received from our equally politically insightful subscribers. Our readers’ comments are extremely helpful for our analysis and interpretation of today’s important top stories.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

We Were Only Joking

         image008Yesterday, The Blower was only kidding about all those stupid voters in Kentucky and apathetic people staying away from the polls in droves on Primary Election Day, but darned if they all weren’t all using it as a script. 

At least all those Dumbed-Down, Self-Absorbed, Media-Influenced, Celebrity-Obsessed, Politically-Correct, Uninformed, Short-Attention-Span, Free-Stuff Grabbing, Low-Information Obama Supporters Who Put Obama In The White House—Twice, and get all of their information from our Obama Supporters in the Press, allowed 2015 Republican Gubernatorial Primary to end in a virtual tie Ting Ditzy DemocRAT Secretary of State Alison Wondergams Grimes to review the election results, which by state law would happen May 28.

Because if Bevin does win, he would have done so with Senate Majority Leader McConnell’s team opposed to his candidacy. NBC News says Bitch McConnell is great at saving Bitch McConnell (see last year), but he’s not so great at using his political machine to help/hurt others (see Rand Paul beating Trey Grayson in 2010 and Bevin Tuesday night).

(when The Whistleblower used to be printed and delivered all over town), Edition #51 came out on May 21, 1991 and featured “A Thousand Points of Spite.”  But the Really Big Story was although Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II planned a personal visit to Kentucky that week, it would not include a side trip to Cincinnati. [SEE ALL OF EDITION # 51 HERE]

image006HURLEY THE HISTORIAN says on this date in 1862 Lincoln signed the Homestead Act, but unfortunately, thanks to our Disingenuous DemocRAT County Auditor (who was permitted to run unopposed by those geniuses at 700 Walnut Street for all those years) some of the property owners in Hamilton County are still waiting for their forty acres and a mule.

image006OUR QUOTE FOR TODAY COMMITTEE chose President Ronald Reagan’s “We must not look to government to solve our problems. Government is the problem.”

image006CAMPUS CRITICS wonder if the head knows when the tail is wagging it at the continuing education OLLI program at the University of Cincinnati? UC pays to have a director and staff for the OLLI program, but the director Cate O’Hara doesn’t have much interest in overseeing the program, nor is she held accountable.  Programs are canceled and the people who signed up are never notified, instructors never get the equipment they need to assist them and the program is a general supervisory mess.  But Cate has a luxe office with a view where she can sleep while on duty.

We’ve written here about poor leadership at the OLLI program previously.  The leadership names have changed, but the OLLI program administration continues to get worse.  Another example of poor supervision and over-taxed payers’ money being wasted.

image006MORE LIBERAL LUNACY: The Eight Days of Greatness (May 19-25) are now half over. It’s supposed to be a way for Loony Liberals to tap into that greatness by giving something of ourselves, small or large, near or far. It will involve acts of greatness around a specific theme each day. Monday was “Kindness.” Tuesday was “Gratitude.” Wednesday was “Generosity.” And Thursday is “Selflessness,” whatever the Hell that’s supposed to mean.    

image006image013MORE RACIAL HEALING UPDATES: All of Tuesday’s historic harmony displayed by Obama’s Racist Black Attorney General Loretta Lynch (replacing Obama’s Resigned-in-Disgrace Racist Black Attorney General Eric Holder) and Cincinnati’s Affirmative Action Police Chief Jeffrey Blackwell was short lived on Wednesday, when Racist White Protesters (incuding a white supremacist from Northern Kentucky) disrupted a meeting of Reverend Demon Lynchmob’s Racist Black Ministers planning to use media coverage of the upcoming All-Star Game in Cincinnati for more Black Racial Protests.

Winner of Today’s Liberal Liar Award is Race-Baiting Minister Bobby Hinton, who vowed in March to use the All-Star Game spotlight to draw attention to the continuing prosecution of former Juvenile Court Judge Tracie Hunter in Cincinnati. We’re asking Major League Baseball to stand with us,” Hilton said.

Maybe AG Lynchmob can get that idiot minister to march his “All-Star Game boycott” directly into the Ohio River like the lemmings they are

Our Compassionate Conservative has a simple idea to eliminate the chance of the Rhymin’ Reverends, da Convicted-ex Judge Hunter, and their blowhard followers showing up for the All-Star game. Tell them they won a contest!  A FREE trip to Jamaica! Load up Castelinni’s banana express or a Greyhound with coolers of 40-oz beers, fried chicken, and drive the lot to New Orleans for an “if It’s Free It’s for Me” Party.

Caucasian Racial Healer Tino Delgato says the Smithsonian in Washington DC is building a $500 million dollar museum to display over 400 years of African American history and contributions in America. Perhaps the $100 million Empty Uppity Oprah Winfrey Campaigning for Obama, Under-funded, Ugly-ass Poorly-Planned Unnagraown Rayroe Museum Not-so-Free-dom Center could forward their displays when this new Smithsonian opens. That way someone would see them and the building could be used for other purposes. Go Figure!!! 

The Failed Cincinnati Public Schools will be providing FREE breakfast and Lunch all summer. But if the kid is FAT, make ’em run a few laps around the playground before breakfast and read a book before lunch! If dare mama’s getting food stamps deduct it from the month’s payment.

image006image016ANGRY ANDERSONIAN UPDATE: “Bold and unprecedented action” continues to astound those watching the Forrest Gump School Board execute their plan of self-destruction. ement for “Smiling Dallas” Jackson was available. This keeps them on track after the unfortunate revelation that the board’s previous hire was a bust and only could manage to prematurely self-destruct himself.  Forrest Gump found another candidate with the talent and experience to put the spin on their expensively valueless facilities plan.

image018Mr. Tom Durbin’s resignation from his previous job in New Richmond included a self-congratulation letter, printed in this article

In this resignation letter, one of Mr. Durbin’s self-proclaimed accomplishments was:  “During the past five years, the high school facade has been replaced which included new walls, windows, and ventilator units at a cost of approximately $2.2 million dollars.  Currently the high school is undergoing a renovation of the interior rooms which includes removal of asbestos contained in the ceiling and floor tiles.  Classroom lights are also being replaced and the estimated cost will be around $2 million when the project is completed.  The high school will be renovated for approximately $4.2 million which is approximately 10% of what a new building would cost.”

In the real world, asbestos removal is “remediation” not “renovation.”  In the real world, 10% of new is “patch and repair” or “required maintenance” not “renovation.”

Gumpsters reacted with joy at the incredible good fortune of finding someone who could portray 10 times the value for their monstrous levy.  Board President Randy Smith said “Now I can call this ‘Randy’s Million Dollar School Renovation!’ during my reelection campaign this fall.” (Well, we’re only guessing he might have said that since the hiring discussions were held in secret.)

Other candidates for the superintendent’s job were not mentioned in press articles announcing the new hire.  Really, who would even apply?  Rich Neumann?

image006image019ALSO IN ANDERSON, patriots are wondering if local war hero PFC James Miller, IV (for whom the “PFC James Miller, IV Memorial Highway” was named two years ago) will again be recognized this Memorial Day. We didn’t see any mention of his name in connection with next Monday’s annual remembrance of fallen veterans at the Memorial Day Bell and Remembrance Ceremony, set for Noon at the Anderson Center.

image006CONSERVATIVE CURMUDGEON STU MAHLIN says the Boy Scouts of America has put out approved activities for its members, and water gun fights are now strictly prohibited. The reason…wait for it, is because pointing a firearm [simulated or otherwise] at someone is not kind. Is this just for transgender scouts, or is it for everybody?

image006FINALLY, AT YESTERDAY’S MEETING OF THE CONSERVATIVE AGENDA, Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane about that giant sucking sound coming from Mediocre American Ballpark these days. “Besides all that Racial Division Obama Supporters in the Press keep stirring up these days?” Kane explained. Then Whistleblower Senior Spoiled Sports Editor Andy FurBall chimed in with a joke he’d heard from one of the Reds ushers who wishes to remain anonymous and employed:  “Did you hear about that new laxative called ‘Reds Bullpen?’ It always produces a lot of runs.”

image019Remember: We never print all the bad stuff we know and certain people ought to be damn glad we don’t, especially Racial Racketeers fanning the flames of Racial Division for their own personal political agendas.image006

More Proud Sponsors and Avid Fans


Today’s Whistleblower is brought to you by a generous “in-kind” donation during our May fund-raising drive by Distaste of Cincinnati, for giving this weekend’s event all the publicity it truly deserves. image006


e-mail your electoral expertise today

 Some re-canvassed items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally re- canvassed subscribers.image006

Whistleblower Video of the Day

Why Don’t We See Candidates Like This Anymore?

image031(Sent in by Michael Reagan, Just Another Pretender to the Legacy of Ronald Reagan.)

image019Note: We guarantee iPhone subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.


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